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Thread: Una para los traductores de aquellos

  1. #1
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    Default Una para los traductores de aquellos

    Siempre que ando practicando se me cruzan frases idiomaticas o patrones gramaticales que no tienen un equivalente cercano en el otro idioma, de ahi el verdadero reto de hacer una buena traduccion.. por ejemplo como harian con...

    Mi hermana esta con su ataque. Apenas escucha la voz de mi prima empezó a insultar y renegar... Empezo a enseñarle a su hijito a maldecir y peor se ponia cuando le decia que no haga eso.. Prefiere dar rienda suelta a su colera, se pone racista y maldice a mi familia...Esto es horrible, que hago?

    Tratando de respetar el espiritu del español y del ingles por separada y sin intentar calcar el patron gramatical del español al ingles se me ocurre...

    My sister is in one of her moods (me parecio un buen equivalente idiomatico, suggestions?)...Just hearing my cousin's voice got her insulting and grumbling...She started to teach her little child to curse and when I told her not to do that her mood got even worse... She'd rather fly into a rage, she gets racist and curse my family...this is horrible, what should I do?

    Perhaps translating the above idioms could give a hard time... I know

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hola Jchavez, encuentro tu traducción muy adecuada. Yo podría darte otras versiones que serían simplemente distintas .. no mejores, sigue tu versión que es muy buena

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
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  3. #3
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    Default thanks

    Gracias por tus palabras. Recien ingresé a este forum y ojala me sea de gran ayuda para seguir mejorando mis traducciones. De todos maneras siempre es bueno comparar versiones a fin de ver algun detalle extra por ahi.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    OK my firnd, here is another version. It's just slightly different.
    Hope it helps

    My sister is going through one of her crisis...As soon as she heard my cousin’s voice she began insulting and complaining...She started teaching her little kid to curse and got even more upset every time I told her to quick doing that... She'd rather let her anger wander free, she becomes racist and even curses my family...this is awful, what should I do?

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  5. #5
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    Hebe, in your translation, you are using the plural of "crisis" , so shouldn't it be "crises"?

    JChavez, your translation is very good. However, instead of insulting, you could say "swearing' or "cussing" and instead of saying "She'd rather let her anger wander free"you could say "she'd rather go berserk" or "rather go into a fit".

  6. #6
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Thanks for the correction Josie !!

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  7. #7
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    I think the original translation posted was just fine! I´d only be consistent with "gets racist and curses my family", but other than that I think it is really good.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by josie73
    Hebe, in your translation, you are using the plural of "crisis" , so shouldn't it be "crises"?

    JChavez, your translation is very good. However, instead of insulting, you could say "swearing' or "cussing" and instead of saying "She'd rather let her anger wander free"you could say "she'd rather go berserk" or "rather go into a fit".

    In spanish don't exist plural for "crisis" is the same word for both, "crises" don't exist in spanish (Spain), I don't know if exist in other countries.

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