This is for IELTS Writing Task1,and I do want to know any mistakes I've made in this paragraph.
So please help me correct my little essay.Thank you very much.
Owing to the global population growth,the water use has changed over the century from 1900 to 2000.
In 1900,the water use of agriculture rose steadily from 500 km(3) to its apex 3000 km(3) in 2000,while the other two sectors were remaining almost the same amount of water until 1950.
During the middle of the century,industrial use started increasing with industrial revolution.However,domestic use was not growing as fast as other sectors.
The table illustrates the water consumption in agricultural use has vastly different between these two countries.In developing country Brazil has fertile land for irrigating purpose,therefore the water consumption per person is 359 m(3) compared with undeveloped country D.M.C.,due to the low population and its infertile irrigated land,the consumption is comparatively lower than Brazil.