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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
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    Smile Hello

    I am in process of hiring a translator and I would love to have your comments on the following translation:

    Catching up with friends today, perhaps on the weekend's news, could reveal a delightful surprise. Someone may be full of a new relationship or a fab business idea, and their enthusiasm can light up you too. Then again, it can be you who is feeling so buzzy. You are also likely to be feeling determined to make progress around key goals.

    The thought of spending the traditional Christmas and New Year holiday away from your usual haunts, might take hold now. In fact, you can become determined in all sorts of ways to lead a more daring and adventurous existence. You can even want to take on any inner blockages which have held you back in the past. You're on a mission.

    to the

    Encuentro con amigos en el día de hoy, puede ser que las noticias del fin de semana te traigan una grata sorpresa. Alguien puede estar de lleno en una nueva relación sentimental o idea de negocio; entusiasmo el cual te impregnará a ti también. Puedes ser tu mismo el que esté sintiendo tal entusiasmo. Sera probable que te encuentres determinante en realizar progresos con referencia a tus objetivos marcados.

    La idea de pasar las fiestas navideñas lejos de los lugares habituales, podría afianzarse ahora. De hecho puedes empeñarte a toda costa en llevar una existencia más atrevida y aventurera. Podrías incluso querer deshacerte de cualquier bloqueo interno que te ha detenido en el pasado. Estas en una misión!

    What do you think?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hello

    To begin with, you should change "Encuentro" to "Encontrarse", otherwise it sounds as if you were saying "catch up" as if it weren´t even connected to the subject. The next part is a little unclear to me, I´m not sure what does it mean with the "weekend´s news" sounds like a time or a place but it still sounds odd. Nevertheless I think all the paragraph should be as this: "Encontrarse con amigos en el dia de hoy, quizá durante las noticias del fin de semana, podría revelar una grata sorpresa. Alguien tal vez esté lleno de una nueva relación o de una fabulosa idea de negocios, y su entusiasmo puede animarte también. Claro que, puedes ser tu el que se siente tan -animado-". - I only have doubts about the word Buzzy which I translated with "animado", but he replaced the Can with "Will" when he translated "enthusiasm can light you up too", and he omitted the "Then Again".

    The rest is technically okay, though it sounds more formal than what the original text intended to be.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hello

    Lombardest thank you very much for your input. I really appreciate it.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hello

    No problem, feel free to ask about any doubts you encounter later.

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