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Thread: Any help?

  1. #1
    Nio is offline
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    Default Any help?


    I need some help from an english native speaker. My english is obviously not really good and I need some help for my bussiness. I need this text to be corrected, please. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to ask me. Thank you very much and here I paste the text.


    Madrid (Spain) april the 24th

    "Dear Sirs,

    First of all we want to appreciate the attention that your company had with us in our visit to your country. Also we wished to request excuses due to the lack of the news by our part on respect to the project that we presented to you last december, despite we know that you do understand that this kind of projects, of great magnitud, pass through diverse phases and difficulties, and is for that reason that the proposal of COMPANY1 is in stand by at the moment.

    We also have to congratulate you because of all the panels of different manufacturers that COMPANY2 brought from COUNTRY, and have been analyzed directly by the Spanish Government, those from your company have solely obtained satisfactory results. This is what the balance has inclined to contact with you.

    We inform you that in Spain, in the month of May will be approved the new law by which the production of 4K in next the 3 years will be financed by the State. This will generate a demand over the existing nowaday in the country.

    Great companies from the rest of the world and particularly from COUNTRY, are opening delegations in our country. By our part, we do not understand how a company with the prestige of COMPANY3 does not have representative even and less when great expectations of business of great scale are approached.

    We wish to propose you that COMPANY2 was absorbed by COMPANY3 passing to be their channel of spanish and also european distribution. Thanks to it, we would enjoy the benefit of selling directly as suppliers and you would have a delegation in Europe without hardly commercial and marketing costs, invoicing directly to the client.

    We wished let know us as rapidly as possible if you shuffle this option and of being thus, would like to know in what conditions the proposal would be made.

    Immediately and to the delay of his news, they receive a warm greeting."

  2. #2
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    What you are asking for is a paid service. On top of this page you have several links that will help you.

  3. #3
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    You´re right...

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