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Thread: podrían traducirme esto porfavor

  1. #1
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    Default podrían traducirme esto porfavor

    This [weight training] causes great muscle stimulation, forcing muscles to grow in both size and
    strength. This is why weight training is often referred to as "bodybuilding" exercise.

    Bruce Lee became motivated to learn of other ways to increase his strength-not only strength of
    stamina or endurance, but overall muscular strength. To this end, he sought out the opinion of
    two trusted individuals who were not only his students, but more importantly, his friends: James
    Yimm Lee and Allen Joe

    These are spectacular results, regardless of one's level of training experience. A beginner with no athletic background who undertook this program could expect to see dramatic results (how dramatic would depend on certain genetic predispositions), since moving from "zero" muscular output to the kind required on this program would constitute a quantum leap, physiologically speaking, to his or her body. However, when you take into account the fact that when he undertook this program, Bruce Lee was already a well~conditioned athlete used to the rigors of working out, and combine it with the fact that these results came from less than two months of training, you can begin to appreciate just how effective this program is! What follows is the specific routine Bruce Lee created to accomplish such impressive results.
    Last edited by Luis Alejandro Málaga; 04-28-2013 at 11:02 PM.

  2. #2
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: podrían traducirme esto porfavor

    Hola Luis, podrías enviarnos tu versión de la traducción. ¿En cuál de los párrafos se te presentan dudas? ¿Algún término puntual sobre el cual quieras hacernos una consulta?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: podrían traducirme esto porfavor

    Hola, sí Luis, mejor mandanos tus dudas puntuales y vemos cómo te podemos ayudar. Saludos!

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