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Thread: Una frase para traducir

  1. #1
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    Default Una frase para traducir

    Hello everyone, it's my first thread on this forum. Forgive me, but I won't be using spanish because I still don't feel comfortable enough to write in "castellano". A thing that will hopefully change in near future.

    However, I was asked to translate a website content for my friend who doesn't know languages and I'm stuck with one sentence(ok, not only one, but this sentence emerges as the most troublesome).

    "If I didn't know it's the natural power of Acai Berry, coupled with modern science, that made this possible, I'd think it's a miracle"

    I tried to translate it using the "condicional imperfecto", but I simply feel it doesn't sound correct.
    This is my version of this sentence:
    "Si no supiera que es la fuerza natural de Acai Berry junto con la ciencia moderna que lo hiciera posible , pensaria que es un milagro"

    I'm aware it looks like a very clumsy loan translation, but I couldn't come up with anything else that would make any sense.

    Thank you in advance,

  2. #2
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    Post Re: Una frase para traducir

    I think your translation is perfect. The only thing I will change is "hiciera" por "hizo"

    "Si no supiera que es la fuerza natural de Acai Berry junto con la ciencia moderna que lo hiciera posible , pensaria que es un milagro"

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Una frase para traducir

    Yes, you are right. The translation will be:
    "Si yo no sé que es el poder natural de Acai Berry, junto con la ciencia moderna, que lo hizo posible, yo creo que es un milagro"

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Una frase para traducir

    This is a second conditional sentence in English. In Spanish, the correct tenses would be:

    "Si no supiera que fue posible gracias al poder de Acai Berry junto con la ciencia moderna, pensaría que es un milagro"

    Esta traducción, además, es más natural, más similar a como la diría un hispano hablante. Saludos!

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