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Thread: Help with a skit?

  1. #1
    New Member TheGrayGirl's Avatar
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    Default Help with a skit?

    Hi! I am tryinhg to translate a skit I wrote, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Maria ~ Remember my surprise party?

    Teresa ~ Your quinceañera? Yes! All your relatives were there, even your baby cousin!

    Javier ~ All the grown ups congratulated you with hugs and kisses, while you used your best manners and smiled!

    Manolo ~ Your dad told jokes and made everyone laugh, and your mom told the story of when you were born, and made everyone cry!

    Maria ~ My aunt gave me her antique ring as a gift, and there was an enormous cake!

    Javier ~ It was great to meet and chat with everyone, but when it was time to shake hands and say goodbye you cried Maria!

    Maria ~ Well, I don’t see my relatives very frequently, but we had a fun at my party and I will never forget it!

  2. #2
    New Member TheGrayGirl's Avatar
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    I have to have this by tomorrow, so I am hoping someone can help me. I would be very appreciative!!
    Please,please help me!! This is for a BIG grade, and I would be happy to help anyone in return!
    Last edited by TheGrayGirl; 05-06-2007 at 08:24 PM.

  3. #3
    New Member TheGrayGirl's Avatar
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    Please! If anyone can help me, please, please, please!! I am running out of time, and this is a major assignment!!

    Please, I am now begging! I only have a little bit of time to get these translations! I have worked so hard on this assignment and it is all depending on this skit! Please HELP ME!!!
    Last edited by TheGrayGirl; 05-07-2007 at 11:00 AM.

  4. #4
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    The translation is:

    María: Recuerdas mi fiesta sorpresa?

  5. #5
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    This is my translation. I don't know your target. Each country has different ways to say the same. I hope it will help.

    Maria ~ Remember my surprise party?
    ¿Recuerdas mi fiesta sorpresa?

    Teresa ~ Your quinceañera? Yes! All your relatives were there, even your baby cousin!

    ¿Tus quince años? (quinceañera para los mexicanos). ¡Si! Toda tu familia estaba ahi, incluso tu primo bebé.

    Javier ~ All the grown ups congratulated you with hugs and kisses, while you used your best manners and smiled!

    Todos los adultos te felicitaron, te abrazaron y besaron, y tu te comportaste muy educada y sonreias.

    Manolo ~ Your dad told jokes and made everyone laugh, and your mom told the story of when you were born, and made everyone cry!

    Tu papá hizo reir a todo el mundo con sus bromas, y tu mamá hizo llorar a todos cuando contó la historia de tu nacimiento.

    Maria ~ My aunt gave me her antique ring as a gift, and there was an enormous cake!

    Mi tía me regaló su anillo antiguo. ¡Y el queque era enorme (grandísimo)!

    Javier ~ It was great to meet and chat with everyone, but when it was time to shake hands and say goodbye you cried Maria!

    Fue grandioso conocer y conversar con cada uno, pero cuando llegó la hora de despedirse lloraste María!

    Maria ~ Well, I don’t see my relatives very frequently, but we had a fun at my party and I will never forget it!

    Bueno, yo no veo a mi famlia (parientes) muy a menudo, pero nos divertimos mucho en la fiesta y nunca lo olvidaré!

    Hope it will help!

  6. #6
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    Here´s my version G.Girl:

    María: ¿Te acordás de mi fiesta sopresa?

    Teresa: ¿Tu cumpleaños de quince? ¿Si! Todos tus parientes estaban ahí, ¡Hasta tu primito!

    Javier: ¡Todos los adultos te felicitaron con besos y abrazos mientras vos mostrabas tus mejores modales y sonreías!

    Manolo: Tu papá contaba chistes que hacían reír a todo el mundo y tu mamá contó la historia tu nacimiento ¡y nos hizo llorar a todos!

    María: ¡Mi tía me regaló su anillo antiguo y había una torta enorme!

    Javier: Fue muy bueno encontrarse y hablar con todos, ¡pero cuando nos despedimos te pusiste a llorar María!

    María: Bueno, no veo a mis parientes muy frecuentemente, ¡pero todos nos divertimos en mi fiesta y es algo que nunca voy a olvidar!

    Hope it helps.

    By the way, I believe exclamation marks are overused! :P

  7. #7
    New Member TheGrayGirl's Avatar
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    Thank you both so much for your help, and yes, the exclamation points may be over used, but they were appropriate for the class and the setting of the skit, and it characters....or maybe you are reffering to when I was desperate for help,lol
    Again,thank you both so much!

  8. #8
    New Member TheGrayGirl's Avatar
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    Oh and, what is the difference between the two versions? I am only a 2nd year spanish student, and am very intrested to know how they differ!

  9. #9
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    You're very welcome!

    Both are almost the same. It depends on the country! That's it. For example: In my country (Costa Rica): we say queque (cake), in other countries they say pastel or torta, but all of them mean the same: cake!

    Another example: In Latin America when a girl turns 15, she usually has a big party. In my country we call it La Fiesta de los quince años, in other countries they say La fiesta de tus quince y en México they call it Quinceañera.

    The important thing is that the people who speaks Spanish can understand most of the expressions from the different spanish countries.


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