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Thread: Please help with translating email to Honduran "friends".

  1. #1
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    Default Please help with translating email to Honduran "church friends".

    I'll be going on a mission trip to Honduras in July and am attempting to make some arrangements. My English speaking contact there is unavailable and I'd like to send this email to a Spanish speaking couple at the church clinic we will be working with. Thank you for your help.

    Hi Carlos and Karina,
    Congratulations! Dianne and I are so happy for you. I know you will make great parents. Your baby has been blessed to have you as parents. Since the baby won’t arrive until after we leave we will have another excuse to come back.
    This year there will be 5 of us for the brigade. There will be Sherry doing women’s health, Karen Klisaris doing medicine, Shawn (me) doing pulmonary and there will be 2 dentists. Have you ever had dentists there before? Let me know if there is anything special the dentists need to know.
    I received the medicine list from Carlos Montoya. I’ll be sure to include the migraine medicine. I don’t know much about microscopes or centrifuge. I think it may be difficult to bring something like these with us due to their weight. Are they something you can buy in Honduras? If so do you have any idea of the cost? Let me know.
    Dianne says she will miss you all. Maybe next year her health will be better and she can make the trip. Also, let me know if there is anything you or the baby might need.
    I am very excited to be seeing you again. Dianne and I have been blessed to be able to work with you.
    Last edited by amvet; 05-18-2007 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Hope this helps Shawn. Good luck on your trip to Honduras!!

    Hola Carlos y Karina,
    Felicitaciones! Dianne y yo estamos muy felices por Uds. Sé que serán muy buenos padres. Es una bendición para este bebé que Uds sean sus padres. Dado que el bebé llegará después de nuestra partida tendremos una excusa para volver.
    Este año seremos 5 en el grupo. Sherry encargada de la salud de las mujeres, Karen Klasaris encargada de las medicinas, Shawn (yo) de la parte pulmonar y habrá 2 dentistas. ¿Han tenido dentistas anteriormente? Hazme saber si si hay algo especial que los dentistas necesiten saber.
    Recibí el listado de medicamentos de Carlos Montoya. Me aseguraré de incluír los medicamentos para la migraña. No sé mucho sobre microscopios o centrífugos. Me parece bastante difícil llevar algo así con nosotros debido al peso. ¿Es posible comprarlos en Honduras? De ser así ¿tienes idea del costo? Por favor averígualo.
    Dianne dice que los extrañará mucho a todos. Tal vez el año entrante su salud mejore y pueda hacer el viaje. Incluso, hazme saber cualquier cosa que ustedes o el bebé puedan necesitar.
    Estoy muy ansioso por volver a verlos nuevamente. Es una bendición para Dianne y para mi el poder trabajar con ustedes.

  3. #3
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    Thanks men286! This trip has taken the work of many people. Now I can tell my freinds in Honduras some of that help came from Argentina.


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