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Thread: Application for a job as teacher

  1. #1
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    Default Application for a job as teacher

    Buenos días, tengo que escribir un "application letter" para un trabajo de profesor de colegio.¿ Pueden avisarme sí hay algún fallo importante?. Es para un trabajo del colegio de idiomas.

    I am writing with regardto your advertisemnet in which you are looking for a young,energeticand experienced schoolteacher. I am currently working, but I amattracted to the position you are offering as it appears to providemore responsability and challenge.

    I am 35years old. Iobtained my Degree of Education specialziced in Sport, at theUniversity of York in 2009. I also possess a Master of Arts inPsychology. I hold it from the University from London in 2012. Mystudent teaching experience includes several urban settings withdiverse student populations.Furthermore,with a good acquiredbackground in psychology, I bring a true understanding of the manyfactors affecting the education of children. Iam eager to demonstratemy talent and teaching skills in your School.

    I should like to thank youin advance, for considering this application and suggest thepossibility of us meeting in a interview to explain any furtherdetails you may like know about my experience.
    Therefore, althoughcurrently engaged, I could be free from any present obligations afterpresenting a monts notice.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Application for a job as teacher

    I am writing with regardto your advertisment in which you are looking for a young,energeticand experienced schoolteacher. I am currently working, but I amattracted to the position you are offering as it appears to providemore responsability and challenge.

    I am 35years old. Iobtained my Degree of Education specialziced in Sport at theUniversity of York in 2009. I also possess a Master of Arts inPsychology. I hold it from the University from London in 2012. Mystudent teaching experience includes several urban settings withdiverse student populations.Furthermore,with a good acquiredbackground in psychology, I bring a true understanding of the manyfactors affecting the education of children. Iam eager to demonstratemy talent and teaching skills in your School.

    I should like to thank youin advance for considering this application and suggest thepossibility of us meeting in a interview to explain any furtherdetails you may like know about my experience.
    Therefore, althoughcurrently engaged, I could be free from any present obligations afterpresenting a monts notice.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Application for a job as teacher

    Overall, the letter is good. I made a few typographical/spelling corrections.

    I am writing with regard to your advertisement in which you are looking for a young, energetic and experienced schoolteacher. I am currently employed, but I am attracted to the position you are offering as it appears to provide more responsibility and challenge.

    I am 35years old. I obtained my Degree of Education, specialized in Sport at the University of York in 2009. I also possess a Master of Arts in Psychology obtained from the University of London in 2012. My student teaching experience includes several urban settings with diverse student populations. Furthermore, with a good acquired background in psychology, I bring a true understanding of the many factors affecting the education of children. I am eager to demonstrate my talent and teaching skills in your School.

    I should like to thank you in advance for considering this application and suggest the possibility of us meeting in a interview to explain any further details you may like know about my experience.

    Although currently engaged, I could be free from any present obligations after presenting a months notice.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Application for a job as teacher

    Muchas Gracias vicente

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