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Thread: Help with "Professional Series"

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Ahora si entiendo tu punto. Claro!! serie de eventos, serie de mentiras, etc. En ese caso, si es singular. Me pareciò que serie profesionales quedaba raro. Serie de productos profesionales suena bien, pero no sabemos exactamente de que nos habla Ocean.

    See you Vicente!!! glad to have undersood each other

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    I'm glad you could understand my poor Spanish mi amigo. jaja Thumbs up!

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Thank you, diagonal and vecente for all your help and discussion.

    Vicente, you are absolutely correct. I need to know how to translate "professional series" as it relates to lawn care products, meaning a group of products for professionals. The translation "Serie de productos profesionales" reflects what I need to say. Is it grammatically correct to say "Series Profesionales"?

    Thank you
    Last edited by oceanmd; 05-12-2014 at 10:21 AM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Hello ocean.

    Is it grammatically correct to say "Series Profesionales"?

    Well, this is the question I struggled with throughout the thread. First of all, as I understand, serie is the plural of the English word series so it would be grammatically incorrect to write it as series professional.

    Furthermore, Diego says: Me pareciò que serie profesionales quedaba raro. Serie de productos profesionales suena bien
    ; that is, Diego says that serie profesional sounded strange, and serie de productos profesionales sounds good to him.

    I still don't know if serie profesional (without the s) is grammatically correct even though it sounds strange to a native. I would go withserie de productos profesionales

    (Man, I'm getting tired of writing that phrase...hahaha)

    As confusing as I have made it, I hope we have helped you with you question.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Hello all,
    Serie is not the Spanish plural of the word series in English. I did a little looking into it (dictionary.com, wikipedia, etc.) and in English, both singular and plural are "series." You can have one series, or a thousand series. In Spanish, it's serie for the singular and series for plural.

    Serie profesional
    would be correct, because it's one series, one line of products, or whatever this is. Compare La Serie Mundial for The World Series. If there is a Serie Mundial, it seems there could be a serie profesional. Profesionales only works in the plural, and it is correct to say series profesionales when it's more than one series being talked about (like three different series of products). I just googled dos series mundiales and came up with 342,000 hits.

    Also, I googled "serie profesional" (in quotes) and came up with 239,000 hits, which is great circumstantial evidence that serie profesional is indeed correct.

    I hope this helps.

    Disclaimer: Spanish is not my native language so I cannot guarantee I am absolutely correct, but the above methods are ways I find out about things.
    Last edited by James LaRue; 05-12-2014 at 02:46 PM.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    From my perspective, it'd be better to simply say "Línea Profesional" or "Línea de uso profesional" or "Línea para profesionales". In Spanish the most common way in marketing to talk about a family of products is to talk about a "product line". Also, you may take advantage of marketing translations which always allow you to be less literal.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Quote Originally Posted by James LaRue View Post
    Hello all,
    Serie is not the Spanish plural of the word series in English. I did a little looking into it (dictionary.com, wikipedia, etc.) and in English, both singular and plural are "series." You can have one series, or a thousand series. In Spanish, it's serie for the singular and series for plural.

    Serie profesional
    would be correct, because it's one series, one line of products, or whatever this is. Compare La Serie Mundial for The World Series. If there is a Serie Mundial, it seems there could be a serie profesional. Profesionales only works in the plural, and it is correct to say series profesionales when it's more than one series being talked about (like three different series of products). I just googled dos series mundiales and came up with 342,000 hits.

    Also, I googled "serie profesional" (in quotes) and came up with 239,000 hits, which is great circumstantial evidence that serie profesional is indeed correct.

    I hope this helps.

    Disclaimer: Spanish is not my native language so I cannot guarantee I am absolutely correct, but the above methods are ways I find out about things.
    According to Dictionary.com translator:

    English to Spanish: series=serie

    According to Merriam-Webster:
    English series=Spanish serie
    If series is entered in Spanish it is converted to serie

    According to RAE:

    1. f. Conjunto de cosas que se suceden unas a otras y que están relacionadas entre sí.

    According to Velazquez:
    Spanish serie=English series
    English series=Spanish serie

    According to both RAE and Velázquez:
    No definition

    Note: Wikipedia is a conglomeration of info provided by many different contributors and is sometimes accurate, sometimes incomplete but is not an officially recognized dictionary of any language. The same can be said for Google.
    Last edited by vicente; 05-14-2014 at 03:53 PM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Hi everybody

    The plural of serie is series.

    However, we talk about "(una ) serie de acontecimientos, several, a series of happenings.
    The singular form of the word is used because we are referring to ONE group or set of things.
    (Rae or other dictionaries do not show the definition of the plural form of any word, unless it has a different meaning)

    With products , on the other hand, I would go with gentle's input: (una ) línea de productos

    línea profesional, línea de productos profesionales, línea de productos de uso profesional.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Quote Originally Posted by oceanmd View Post
    Thank you, diagonal and vecente for all your help and discussion.

    Vicente, you are absolutely correct. I need to know how to translate "professional series" as it relates to lawn care products, meaning a group of products for professionals. The translation "Serie de productos profesionales" reflects what I need to say. Is it grammatically correct to say "Series Profesionales"?

    Thank you
    En español ...

    Serie profesional = correcto

    Series profesionales = correcto

    Now for the question.... "I need to know how to translate "professional series" as it relates to lawn care products, meaning a group of products for professionals. "

    I would say this product is "professional grade" or "business class grade" or "contractor's grade" or "lawn care professional grade"

    Hope this helps.

  10. #20
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with "Professional Series"

    Aunque la expresión "serie profesional" es en teoría correcto, no se puede aplicar aquí. Mira en google, he encontrado CUATRO aciertos ("serie profesional de productos")

    Línea profesional de productos,

    incluso mejor: línea de productos de uso profesional (como sugiere Gentle)

    Mira: "linea profesional de productos" 17.900 resultados

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