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Thread: Would appreciate your help :)

  1. #1
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    Default Would appreciate your help :)

    Hi everyone I'm very new to this sort of thing I've never posted in a language forum before so forgive me if I'm writing in the wrong part or anything, I've recently gained a new friend it feels like I've known her all my life she is from Argentina so I don't know if the spanish is exactly the same.. She speaks very good English however I know no spanish at all and would love to send her a message in spanish so I'm hoping you guys can help me out it would be much appreciated here's what I want to say:-

    Hi sweetie, Over the months we have become very good friends and I feel like I've known you all my life. You are not only my best friend you are a sister in my heart. Thank you for putting positivity back in my life. Giving me words of encouragement and being there when I needed you. After everything you have been through you never fail to put others before you and for that I'm thankful. You have such a big heart and I appreciate everyday that I have such a special friend in my life. Always be strong and know you are the best person anyone can be. Your happiness will come because you deserve nothing but the best. I know I've gained a friend for life. I love you my friend, my sister

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Would appreciate your help :)

    HI Lisa, welcome to the forum

    You posted in the perfect place

    Here is my input, I am from Spain, but the Spanish is the same, except for some particular usages of no importance.

    Hola guapa: Durante los últimos meses nos hemos hecho muy amigas , es como si nos conocieramos de toda la vida.
    No solo eres una amiga , sino que has llegado a ser como una hermana para mí. Gracias por hacer mi vida positiva de nuevo al darme palabras de apoyo y estar ahí cuando te he necesitado.
    Incluso despúes de todo lo que has pasado, siempre te preocupas por los demás lo que te agradezco en el alma. Tienes un gran corazón y me siento feliz por tener una amiga tan especial en mi vida. Sé siempre fuerte y recuerda que eres la mejor persona del mundo. ya te llegará la felicidad porque te mereces solo lo mejor. Sé que he ganado una amiga para toda la vida. Te quiero mucho, hermana mía.
    This is a free translation, some parts sound odd in Spanish otherwise.

    a good friend is a treasure, I hope you will be friends for a long time

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Would appreciate your help :)

    Thank you very very much! ☺️

  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Would appreciate your help :)

    Hi Lisa, if you are not in a hurry, you might wait for other options, everybody else is sleeping now

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Would appreciate your help :)

    I sent this message and she said it's perfect so thank you for helping me with this you are very kind

  6. #6
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Would appreciate your help :)

    Always happy to help

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Would appreciate your help :)

    Well done Exx!!

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