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Thread: My OP ^_^

  1. #1
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    Cool My OP ^_^

    Hey guys~^_^

    I just joined this forum a moment ago. I really need help with something for my spanish class. I am taking my final OP tommorow. I'm 18 and its my senior year and I really need to get a good grade on this since its my final.

    If someone could please take these sentences and translate them I'd appreciate it.

    I wake up in the morning at 6.
    I go for a run.
    I take a shower with soap.
    I dry off my a towel.
    I put my pants on.
    I put my shirt on.
    I put my socks and shoes on.
    I eat breakfast.
    I brush my teeth.
    I brush my hair.
    Then I go to school.
    I love my spanish class.
    Senora pastrana is the best teacher.
    Spanish forever!

    To anyone who helps me thx a whole bunchies

    See you around forum l8er alligators!

  2. #2
    Forum User
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    Apr 2007
    Los Angeles, CA
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    This is my translation

    I wake up in the morning at 6.
    Me despierto a las 6 de la mañana.
    I go for a run.
    Voy a correr
    I take a shower with soap.
    Tomo una ducha con jabón / or Me baño y uso jabón.
    I dry off my a towel.
    Me seco con una toalla.
    I put my pants on.
    Me pongo los pantalones
    I put my shirt on.
    Me pongo la camisa
    I put my socks and shoes on.
    Me pongo las medias y los zapatos.
    I eat breakfast.
    I brush my teeth.
    Me cepillo los dientes/or Me lavo los dientes.
    I brush my hair.
    Me peino.
    Then I go to school.
    Y luego me voy para el colegio.
    I love my spanish class.
    Me encanta/gusta mi clase de español.
    Senora pastrana is the best teacher.
    La señora Pastrana es la mejor profesora.
    Spanish forever!
    ¡Español por siempre!

    I have a question.
    Did you create the sentences, or the teacher gave them to you?
    Good luck!


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