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Thread: Petroleum Abstract

  1. #1
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    Question Petroleum Abstract

    HI, im having a lot of troubles with this translation... i`ll be really pleased if anyone could help me.
    physical structure (infraestructura?)
    The paraffin types are composed of molecules in which the number of hydrogen atoms is always two times more than twice the number or carbon atoms. (??????????????)
    naphthenes (naftenos?)
    ... composed of twice as many hydrogen atoms as carbon atoms. (?)

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    Hi there,

    My Spanish version of that piece of text is:

    1) estructura física

    2) Los tipos de parafina están compuestos de moléculas en las que la cantidad de átomos de hidrógeno es siempre el doble que el doble de los átomos de carbono.

    3) petróleo nafténico

    4) (the sentence in the source does not make sense but this is what I try to interprete..) ...compuesto por el doble de la cantidad de átomos de hidrógeno tanto como de la cantidad de átomos de carbono.

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