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Thread: Please translate

  1. #1
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    Default Please translate

    Hi everybody. I'm new to the site, and I've signed up in order to understand what some notes I have mean. They're written by a Venezuelan girl that I know and I'm interested to find out what they mean. I apologize for any vulgarity.

    1. Michael me va a volver a llamar.

    2. Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño.

    Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño

    Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño

    It would be great to see what you guys say. Hopefully somebody from Venezuela can chime in. I used google translate and I'm just not sure if it's really that accurate. Any help is much appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Hi Jackjethro

    Well, Im from Argentina, but I think I can help a bit and may be later you get a more precise answer from a Venezuelan translator:

    1. Michael me va a volver a llamar. - Michael will call me back.

    2. Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño. Jesse will leave him anytime (but in a more slang and informal way! hahaha like F@%#... off!)

    I hope this helps

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Hi, thanks a lot for responding! I have a question about the second one. Because the person who wrote it is a girl, and Jesse is a guy. So is she saying "Jesse will leave me anytime?"
    And do you mean it says "Jesse can F&@$ off!"
    I really want to know exactly how she's saying it, because Jesse is her boyfriend. Thanks so much!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Hey Jack! I'm from Venezuela, what your notes say are something like this:

    1) Michael will call me again.

    2) Jesse anytime I will send him to hell.

    Hope that helped!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Thank you very much, Alfredo! So if I understand correctly, she's saying Jesse can go to hell or F$&@ off, kind of thing...
    The two replies I've received are quite different... Do you guys mind elaborating, or maybe explaining what she means? I mean in English, we don't say "anytime I will send him to hell." So I'm just wondering if anyone can explain what she's saying?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Thank you, Alfredo! That did help! I have another one to translate: lista de lina "No hacer gastos"
    - Meter a las tipas en el frizer.

    thanks again guys

  7. #7
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackjethro View Post
    Thank you, Alfredo! That did help! I have another one to translate: lista de lina "No hacer gastos"
    - Meter a las tipas en el frizer.

    thanks again guys
    Hi jack, welcome to the forum

    Funny post...somebody seems to be pissed...

    no hacer gastos: don't spend money...do you have a complete conversation?

    meter a las tipas en el frizer: put the chicks in the freezer

    I suppose they are talking about girls here, now , you tell me what that is supposed to mean

  8. #8
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackjethro View Post

    1. Michael me va a volver a llamar.

    2. Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño.

    Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño

    Jesse en cualquier momento lo mando para el coño
    Oh, and jesse is probably a guy here!

    She is talking and saying:

    I am going to send Jesse to hell...very vulgarly said

  9. #9
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    Wow Exxcéntrica, I think you're right, she's pissed! (At least she was when she wrote this "lista de lina," (which I'm assuming means "life list?"))
    Thanks for the reply!
    When she says "put the chicks in the freezer," I know she's referring to a couple girls at work that are sort of "against her." I'm not sure what she means by "put them in the freezer," because that's not really a saying we use in Canada.
    You're right, Jesse IS a guy, and it's actually her boyfriend 😮!
    So I assume she's saying "I am going to send Jesse to F$&@ing hell" ?

    So I don't have a complete conversation, it's just a list on her fridge. Two lines after sending her boyfriend to hell she says the "Michael me va a volver a llamar," line, so do you think that's said in a way where Michael would be the "new guy" to replace Jesse? Or could it be completely unrelated. (I know it's probably tough to say, I just wonder if it's written in a tone where it's possible to tell. She never broke up with Jesse and it's been 6 months since she wrote the list.)

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Hi Jack
    Do you have a bit more context for the last 2 new sentences you need help with?

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