hormigón, the one with rocks, used for structural works or pavements; mortero de cemento, cal, etc, the one with any kind of cement and sand for bricklaying or plastering
hormigón, the one with rocks, used for structural works or pavements; mortero de cemento, cal, etc, the one with any kind of cement and sand for bricklaying or plastering
Juan: Sorry, but I must disagree with you.
Diccionario de la lengua española | Edición del Tricentenario
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De hormigo 'gachas de harina'.
1. m. Material que resulta de la mezcla de agua, arena, grava y cemento o cal, y que, al fraguar, adquiere más resistencia.
Material that results from a mixture of water, sand, gravel y cemento.... that is the recipe for concrete
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Del ingl. concrete.
1. m. Am. hormigón (‖ mezcla de agua, arena, grava y cemento).
Real Academia Española © Todos los derechos reservados
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P.S. There is a difference between cement and concrete. Cement is the powdery substance that acts as the "glue" in the concrete mixture. It will harden if mixed with water but does not have the strength and resistance of concrete. The sand and gravel (aggregate) mixed with cement and the right amount of water provide the finished concrete product which is usually re-inforced with iron rods (rebar) or a metal mesh for added strength. (I just poured a concrete foundation for an addition to my house)
Last edited by vicente; 11-27-2015 at 11:09 AM.
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