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Thread: and -well- to exclaim,

  1. #1
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    Default and -well- to exclaim,

    Hola. ¿Cómo se traduciría "and -well- to exclaim," en el texto siguiente?:
    "Is it a bargain?" I asked, holding out my hand.
    "Yes," he replied, wringing it in a manner which caused me to remonstrate, and -well- to exclaim, "only, the man, whoever he may prove, must be told there is a story attached to the place."
    "Of course," I agreed. "And now, you had better give me a letter to the witch, instructing her to allow me or any friend to view the premises. I must see the house before I can talk about it, you know."
    Me parece una estructura muy extraña: en vez de "to exclaim" creo que debería ser "he exclaimed" y "well" me parece fuera de lugar.
    El texto procede de la novela The haunted house at Latchford, publicada en 1872.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: and -well- to exclaim,

    "Is it a bargain?" I asked, holding out my hand.
    "Yes," he replied, wringing (his hand) it in a manner which caused me to remonstrate, and -well- to exclaim..."

    Remonstrate: to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval.

    Wring: to clasp tightly with or without twisting

    "Wringing" his hand implies that it was gripped strongly and painfully...in a manner that made him exclaim (cry out).. " ...y - pues - gritar, ..."
    Last edited by vicente; 11-30-2015 at 01:38 AM.

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