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Thread: Difference between "experimental" and "empirico"

  1. #1
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    Default Difference between "experimental" and "empirico"


    I am a new member of this forum. I have just started to edit a translation from English to Spanish and would really appreciate some help. I have a masters in teaching foreign languages, with a focus on Spanish. I worked as a technical writer and editor for 20 years. That was my last profession. And now I am editing a self-improvement piece for a friend.

    So the author is describing something as "an experiential process," speaking of the exercises that she is teaching. In this context, would you say "un proceso experimental" or "un proceso empirico"? [Sorry about the missing accent. I am just starting out on this machine and haven't configured it yet.]

    And by the way, for "self-transformation," could one say "autotransformacion"? Or would that imply something else completely? Would "transformacion de uno mismo" be a better way of saying that?

    I apologize for not supplying any more context and will appreciate any help you can give.
    Susan Purcell

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Difference between "experimental" and "empirico"

    Quote Originally Posted by spurcell View Post

    I am a new member of this forum. I have just started to edit a translation from English to Spanish and would really appreciate some help. I have a masters in teaching foreign languages, with a focus on Spanish. I worked as a technical writer and editor for 20 years. That was my last profession. And now I am editing a self-improvement piece for a friend.

    So the author is describing something as "an experiential process," speaking of the exercises that she is teaching. In this context, would you say "un proceso experimental" or "un proceso empirico"? [Sorry about the missing accent. I am just starting out on this machine and haven't configured it yet.]

    And by the way, for "self-transformation," could one say "autotransformacion"? Or would that imply something else completely? Would "transformacion de uno mismo" be a better way of saying that?

    I apologize for not supplying any more context and will appreciate any help you can give.
    Susan Purcell
    Para la primera parte de tu traducción: Tal vez podrías traducirlo como "proceso de experiencia". Si nos atenemos a una noción vaga de ambas palabras, lo experimental tiene que ver con la "nueva práctica", aunque en este caso se refiere a la acumulación de vivencia en torno a un trabajo, por lo tanto se mantendría la "experiencia".

    Con respecto a "self-transformation": En español creo que existe la facilidad de traducirlo como auto-transformación, y no infringes ninguna norma, ni alteras el significado, que es lo importante.


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