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Thread: Help with "On the galleys"

  1. #1
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    Question Help with "On the galleys"

    What could be the meaning of expression "on the galleys"?

    In this context:

    "as he indicated in a letter to Baran on September 22, 1959, where he commented on the galleys to Baran’s article"

    Thanks folks!

    No he podido dar con el significado exacto.

    Gracias a todos. Salud

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help with "On the galleys"

    A galley or galley proof is a printed sheet of paper used in a print shop by printers to proof-read and make corrections of an article or book before final printing.

    In this context, it appears that "he" made comments to Baran on something regarding the paper sheets (galleys) which were used to proof-read Baran's article.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help with "On the galleys"

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente View Post
    A galley or galley proof is a printed sheet of paper used in a print shop by printers to proof-read and make corrections of an article or book before final printing.

    In this context, it appears that "he" made comments to Baran on something regarding the paper sheets (galleys) which were used to proof-read Baran's article.
    Many thanks Vicente

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