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Thread: Slang for Abuelo--help there is a bet riding on this

  1. #1
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    Default Slang for Abuelo--help there is a bet riding on this

    Growing up we've all called our Abuelitos "Buelo" or something like this. A lady at work is adamant that you spell "buelo" with a "W". I looked in an old Velazquez Spanish/English Dictionary that says "W" doesn't really exist in the Spanish language, exceptions are proper names that have no translation.

    So help please

    Buelo Vs Welo

    Or is it just a matter of opinion?


  2. #2
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    Hi Melissa, it's just a matter of opinion. I don't use and have never used that expression as "Welo". Spanish speaking people are getting that kind of "speaking vice" mostly through Internet. They are beginning to use "w" instead of "bu" or "hu" pronunciation. For instance "webo" instead of "huevo", "wena" instead of "buena", etc. It's just that.

  3. #3
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    Hello missmo73,

    I agree with javidissi in the sense that, via internet, Spanish speakers (and especially young people) are beginning to use "w" instead of "hu" or "bu", as well as "k" for "q" or "c" or things like that... But this is not correct in Spanish. Therefore, the correct spelling would be "buelo", never "welo".

    Hope this helps!

  4. #4
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    i agree, i think it is just a matter of opinion...like you said javidissi, it is the spelling of the "speaking voice," although you might have a hard time convincing your co-worker...suerte!

  5. #5
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    My son, while he was learning to speak would say buelo or belo all the time.
    Now, welo, wevo, weno, it's just a misspelling and you can listen to it in the REGUETON songs. Something that has turned very common in their lyrics (if that can be called a lyric, and forgive me, those of you, the regueton fans) and I believe they have even created a regueton dictionary for that reason. Since nobody can understand them...except themselves. So, maybe your coworker has been listening to their lyrics...???
    No, for sure, it is not correct.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
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  6. #6
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    That's it, you are completely right, SandraT.

    And I would say more... The language used in reggeaton lyrics (leaving aside the content...) is incomprehensible for a native Spanish speaker, as I am. Maybe it is easier for latin american speakers, but I am not even sure that it is common language for them. In any case, that "w" spelling is not correct.

  7. #7
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    i pretty much agree with all of the above... good luck with your coworker!

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