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Thread: I need some help!

  1. #1
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    Default I need some help!

    First off let me start by saying this my first post and I think forums like this are a great idea... I just recently went back into the cell phone business - a few years back i was catching on to spanish enough to understand and to get the basics across - however its one of those use it or lose it deals so im needing some help or more less some refreshing. Can someone kind of go over the basics. A majority of the time I know what to say to my spanish/hispanic customers and they generally understand - but I want to improve

    here is an example of a basic conversation or questions I might ask - can someone please translate to spanish

    I can help you!

    Are you wanting the pre-paid or contract service?

    Do you have cell phone service now?

    What plan do you want?

    What is your cell phone number?

    What is the name on the account?

    Do you want to switch phones?

    What phone do you want?

    This phone cost _____ dollars with prepaid/ two year contract!

    Do you need a charger for your car?

    The person whos name is on the account can only make changes!

    Can _________ come here today or tomorrow?

    Call this number______.

    This plan is ________ a month!

    This is your billing day.

    Pay before this day!

    The phone will be shut off!

    You owe______ dollars on the account!
    You can pay your bill here!

    Thats a start I can go from there... thanks in advance


    P.S. this is for a mostly hispanic/mexican population
    Last edited by DJScratchnSniff; 07-05-2007 at 09:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    I can help you! Puedo ayudarle

    Are you wanting the pre-paid or contract service? ¿Ud desea el servicio prepagado o por contrato?

    Do you have cell phone service now? ¿Ud tiene servicio de teléfono celular ahora?

    What plan do you want? ¿Qué tipo de plan ud desea obtener?

    What is your cell phone number? ¿Cuál es el número de su (teléfono) celular? (you could also use móvil instead of teléfono celular or just celular)

    What is the name on the account? ¿A nombre de quién está la cuenta?

    Do you want to switch phones? ¿Le gustaría cambiar el teléfono?

    What phone do you want? ¿Qué teléfono desea Ud?

    This phone cost _____ dollars with prepaid/ two year contract! Este teléfono tiene un precio de ____ dólares con el contrato prepagado por dos años.

    Do you need a charger for your car? ¿Necesita un cargador de batería (de teléfono) para el carro?

    The person whos name is on the account can only make changes! Sólo puede hacer cambios la persona propietaria de la cuenta.

    Can _________ come here today or tomorrow? ¿Podría ____venir hoy o mañana?

    Call this number______. Llame a este número.

    This plan is ________ a month! Este plan es __________ por mes.

    This is your billing day. Este es el día de pago.

    Pay before this day! Pague antes de este día.

    The phone will be shut off! La línea (del teléfono) será cortada.

    You owe______ dollars on the account! Ud debe ____ dólares (de su cuenta).
    You can pay your bill here! Ud puede pagar su cuenta aquí.

    Hope it helps.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

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