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Thread: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

  1. #1
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    Default Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Hello everyone,

    Could you use every kind of prepositions and prepositional expressions with knowledge?

    i have knowledge of Oracle
    I have knowledge in Oracle
    I have knowledge about Oracle
    I have knowledge regarding/ concerning / with regard to and other similar expressions Oracle

    How would you say " tengo conocimiento de como hacer algo" I have knowledge about how to do something?

    Would you say I have an insight on something or you only use insight with "into" ?

    Thanks a million

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Quote Originally Posted by Irland90 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    Could you use every kind of prepositions and prepositional expressions with knowledge?

    i have knowledge of Oracle
    I have knowledge in Oracle
    I have knowledge about Oracle
    I have knowledge regarding/ concerning / with regard to and other similar expressions Oracle

    How would you say " tengo conocimiento de como hacer algo" I have knowledge about how to do something?
    Would you say I have an insight on something or you only use insight with "into" ?
    Thanks a million

    i have knowledge of Oracle yes This is the best option.
    I have knowledge in Oracle No
    I have knowledge about Oracle yes
    I have knowledge regarding/ concerning / with regard to and other similar expressions Oracle yes

    Note: Instead of using "knowledge" a good option would be "I am familiar with Oracle", which covers all of the above.

    How would you say " tengo conocimiento de como hacer algo" I have knowledge about how to do something? I know how to do (something) or I am knowledgeable about how to do...

    Would you say I have an insight on something or you only use insight with "into" ? You can say it either way but it is usually said as "I have insight into..."
    Last edited by vicente; 01-21-2017 at 09:46 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Hi Vicente! How u doing?
    I agree with you excpet for "familiar with"
    If you are familiar with, you recognize sth. because you have heard or seen it.
    knowlege has more to do with the skills SO has due to education or experience

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Hey Diego!! Doing great my friend! Hace tiempo, no?

    I'm going to respectfully offer my opinion of the term "familiar with"...

    Here's one of the definitions of "familiar": well-acquainted; thoroughly conversant: to be familiar with a subject.

    The term "familiar with" is commonly used to ask someone if they have knowledge of, or a good understanding of a subject; or if they know how something works and/or how to use it.

    EX: Are you familar with Hemingway's works? Yes, I'm very familiar with his writing! I have read all of his books.

    EX: Are you familiar with the TR 3000? Yes, I can operate a TR 3000.

    People do not normally ask if you have knowledge of something. They ask if you "know about", "know how to", "know why..." , etc. (or are familiar with )

    Actually, famliarity can go beyond simply having heard of or seen something. Depending on how it is used it can imply a greater extent of knowledge.

    EX Are you familiar with the TR 3000? I'm not all that familiar with it. I have some knowledge of what it can do but I cannot operate one.

    In many cases "famliar with" and "knowledge (or knowledgeable) of" mean exactly the same thing.

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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Vicente !
    Still I disagree with you. You give examples like "acquanted" which is a synonym with "familiar"

    I am quite certain there is a difference in meaning. In some contexts there might be a slight one but they are still different

    Are you familiar with past tenses?
    Do you have knowdelge of past tenses?
    Last edited by diegonel; 01-26-2017 at 09:44 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Ireland, about your question, knowledge of/about is ok. So as not to beat about the bush

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Quote Originally Posted by diegonel View Post
    Vicente !
    Still I disagree with you. You give examples like "acquanted" which is a synonym with "familiar"

    I am quite certain there is a difference in meaning. In some contexts there might be a slight one but they are still different

    Are you familiar with past tenses?
    Do you have knowdelge of past tenses?

    Well, OK mi amigo but to be "thoroughly conversant" with a subject means having full knowledge. Also, like I said, almost nobody says "do you have knowledge of...", at least not a native speaker. Certainly, it can be said and understood but a native just woud not normally phrase the sentence that way. A very large percentage of us would say "Are you familiar with...". We all know that there are ways to say things that are technically and grammatically correct but are not said by natives or persons with total fluency. That is often the first clue that a person is not a native speaker.

    To a native speaker these two examples mean exactly the same thing: Are you familiar with past tenses?
    Do you have knowdelge of past tenses?

    We could argue semantics and literal definitions but I'm talking real world use of the term. I'm going on my MANY years of experience in speaking, reading and listening to my native tongue.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    "Also, like I said, almost nobody says "do you have knowledge of...", at least not a native speaker. Certainly, it can be said and understood but a native just woud not normally phrase the sentence that way. A very large percentage of us would say "Are you familiar with...". We all know that there are ways to say things that are technically and grammatically correct but are not said by natives or persons with total fluency. That is often the first clue that a person is not a native speaker.

    Far be it from me to start a “knowledge war” I want you to know that it is not about being a native speaker or not. Needless to say I am not."

    I guess that a real native speaker wouldn’t go on about how fluent, accurate or proficient he / she is.

    Here I quote the following phrases, which are real English.

    I have an excellent knowledge of this protocol and do not need this summing up.
    I had no knowledge of it.
    I have a thorought knowledge of ....
    Do you have knowledge of India?
    She has a detailed knowledge of this period

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Pardon me for overstating my case in trying to make this clear to you but there is no need to insult me. I thought this was a friendly discussion. All I've tried to do is explain the BEST way to say something.

    Your quotes are fine and all but one are exactly how a native speaker would say them; however, I repeat, "Do you have knowledge of India?" is not the way most people would ask that question, at least not in my country. It is, however, grammatically correct and there is nothing wrong with it except that it sounds a little stiff and it is not the BEST way to say it...and isn't that what we are about here in the forum?
    Last edited by vicente; 01-27-2017 at 10:37 PM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Knowledge of/in/about/ regarding and other similars

    Definitively we are here to help one another and share our knowledge.
    Do you really think I insulted you? Well, not at all. But if think so, I apologize
    Guess we can go on as usual, and you can help me with a question? Will you?

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