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Thread: What's the difference between Hologram and "Holograma" ?

  1. #1
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Question What's the difference between Hologram and "Holograma" ?

    Just like the tittle says,

    What's the difference and why?!

    Hologram: a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source.Those blend at the chip with unfettered laser light to create a hologram of the tumor interior.
    Holograma: Placa fotográfica que se obtiene mediante holografía.

    the study or production of holograms.
    In classical holography , a laser beam reflected off an object interferes with a reference beam, and the interference pattern is recorded on a photographic plate.

    Holografía: Técnica fotográfica que permite obtener una imagen con un efecto óptico tridimensional mediante el uso de un rayo láser.


    Now then, it looks like in Spanish the definition is confusing and mixed.

    It's not a very good definition, so I wait for your contributions and corrections, if necessary.

    Cheers to y'all!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What's the difference between Hologram and "Holograma" ?


    Yo diría que "Holograma" es el producto, es decir, la imagen tridimensional y "Holografía" es la "ciencia", la técnica mediante la cual se obtiene esa imagen.

  3. #3
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the difference between Hologram and "Holograma" ?

    Quote Originally Posted by MirB-Translator View Post

    Yo diría que "Holograma" es el producto, es decir, la imagen tridimensional y "Holografía" es la "ciencia", la técnica mediante la cual se obtiene esa imagen.
    Claro, ¿no parecen cruzados los significados al traducir?

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