Please help with this translation
My company is a direct partner of the national J1 Work Travel Sponsor Signature Services Corporation. Through Signature, we plan to place approximately 3000 students in the USA in 2008. I haven't recruited students from South America in the past-no habla espanol-and we need to attract more foreign agents to be able to provide for the students we need to place this year. I urgently need the following translated to add to emails to various agent. We also recruit agents and individuals that wish to work as international agents for us. Please view our website for more information.
Please translate the following for me asap if interested. :)
Dear Agent or International Recruiter,
American Intercultural Exchange Corporation is a USA direct Partner with a US State Department approved J1 Work Travel Sponsor Signature Services Corporation in the USA. We are currently recruiting for Hospitality jobs in the USA and we have over 100 positions to fill for the winter of 2007. We need agents to work with us in South America to immediately place these students. Please respond in English as unfortunately, we do not speak Spanish.
We will provide our sponsor rates and job information on request. The jobs are primarily housekeeping jobs and are located in very nice resort areas. Housing and transportation is provided at a very reasonable combined cost of $12.75 USD per day. Students will get to stay for and enjoy Spring Break at the end of their work periods.
Please reply to [email protected] or visit We look forward to your response.
Richard Raffield
Apreciado Agente o Reclutador Internacional,
American Intercultural Exchange Corporation es una Corporación de Servicios en Estados Unidos, aprobada por el ‘J1 Work Travel Sponsor’ asociada directamente con el Departamento de Estado de E.U. Estamos reclutando en la actualidad posiciones para trabajos de hospitalidad en los E.U., y tenemos sobre 100 posiciones para llenar para el invierno del 2007. Necesitamos agents para trabajar con nosostros en Sur América, para colocar de inmeditato dichos estudiantes. Por favor responda en Inglés, ya que desafortunadamente, nosotros no hablamos Español.
Nosotros proveeremos nuestras tarifas de patrocinio y la informacion de trabajo a requerimiento. Los empleos son básicamente de tareas del hogar y están localizados en hermosas areas hoteleras de esparcimiento. El alojamiento y transportación se provee a un costo combinado muy razonable de $12.75 Dolares de E.U. por dia. Los estudiantes se quedarían para disfrutar el periodo de Vacaciones de Primavera al final de sus períodos de trabajo.
Por favor, conteste a [email protected] o visite Esperamos por su respuesta.