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Thread: Help Please!

  1. #1
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    Default Help Please!

    I am trying to helping a friend translate a form, the form is for finding indivuals to help as volunteers working with children ages 10-16. She is seeking spanish speaking volunteers so we need to have the form in spanish. Is there anyone on this forum that could possibly help with translating the sentence below? My Spanish is not as good as it once was!!! Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you so much.

    Also, how do you say: 'Physical Fitness' in Spanish? Thanks
    __________________________________________________ ___________
    The above named individual is volunteering to be a Pathfinder Staff person. The candidate, if approved, will work in close supervision with boys and g i r l s ages 10-16 of a Pathfinder Club in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We value your judgment. Since your comments will be held in strict confidence, please withhold nothing favorable or unfavorable that might be helpful to the evaluating committee.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Smile hope it helps


    I would translate it as follows but perhaps other people have different suggestions:

    El individuo nombrado anteriormente esta proveyendo servicio voluntario para obtener empleo con Pathfinder. Una vez aprobado, y bajo estricta supervisión, el candidato trabajara con niños y niñas de 10 a 16 años en el Club Pathfinder de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Nosotros valoramos su opinión la cual será cautelosamente guardada en confidencialidad. Por ello le rogamos no omita ningún detalle favorable o desfavorable que pueda ayudar al comité de evaluación.

    As for physical fitness I would translate it into Forma Fisica.

    From Spain via the US

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