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Thread: What's the best translation for "vacation ideas"?

  1. #1
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    Default What's the best translation for "vacation ideas"?

    If you wanted to search Google for "vacation ideas", how would you do it in Spanish? Is "ideas de vacaciones" how most native Spanish speakers would do it?

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Default Ideas..

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter123
    If you wanted to search Google for "vacation ideas", how would you do it in Spanish? Is "ideas de vacaciones" how most native Spanish speakers would do it?

    Thanks for any help.
    Otra vez veo el mismo asunto: el idioma Inglés mostrando palabras que NO necesariamente deben traducirse al Español de acuerdo al contexto literal el cual pareciera que, como una especie de «imán», nos arrastra a hacer como tal.
    El diccionario " The Concise Oxford Thesaurus" muestra en este caso ciertas variantes en la sinonimia de la palabra "idea": "proposal" y "plan". Luego entonces, la gramática castellana me dice que la semántica a aplicar al traducir la frase, debe de ser "plan".
    Por ello y por no otra razón, yo concluyo que "vacation ideas" en la mente del gringo, significa "planes de vacaciones" en la mente del hispanohablante.. particularmente en aquellos que somos de Honduras.

    Suerte y éxitos,

    Dear Peter:
    I think I messed up a little bit by typewriting everything in Spanish; it was a sort of mental lapse. My apologies anyway.
    I meant, by looking in The Concise Oxford Thesaurus of English" I found two synonyms for "vacation" . The synonyms are "proposal" and "plan". So, in order to be precise I chose "plan", and got the plural in this case which is "planes". However, any way I look at it, I think that Moni, another member of this forum, got a better outlook on this matter.

    Last edited by seeker50; 12-26-2007 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply seeker50. Unfortunately I don't speak/read Spanish. If you could reply in English that would be helpful. Thanks.

  4. #4
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    My try: Ideas para las vacaciones.

    I don't agree with Raúl. Vacation ideas and vacation plans are different things. I'm not a "gringa", but "vacation ideas" makes me think of tips to better enjoy your vacations, or a bunch of choices among which you can pick the place where you will finally go. A plan is something very concrete, includes specific steps, etc.

    Let's wait for natives' opinion.

  5. #5
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    Vacation ideas and vacation plans are different things. I'm not a "gringa", but "vacation ideas" makes me think of tips to better enjoy your vacations, or a bunch of choices among which you can pick the place where you will finally go. A plan is something very concrete, includes specific steps
    You are correct Moni. "vacation ideas" specifically refers to "a bunch of choices ...". It could also refer to tips but normally if that's what you wanted to refer to you would use "vacation tips". A plan is something entirely different.

  6. #6
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    All right..
    Let's agree with Moni's viewpoint on this term. However, the bottom line is that English language features much more concise phrases than Spanish language when it comes to trying to use the same amount of words in both languages for a specific example. In this case, I wouldn't get surprised if I translate "vacation ideas" as " vacaciones : variedad de opciones" or "variedad de opciones para vacacionar". How about that?


  7. #7
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    Post Ideas/Planes

    I did a small test with google to compare the results yielded for the phrases "ideas para las vacaciones" and "planes para las vacaciones." Although the latter yielded more results, upon further reading it indeed seems like "ideas" would be more appropriate.

    Hope this is helpful!

    Un saludo

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