I have an assignment that I really need help on. We recieveed pen pals, and our teachers is making us write back to them in their native language, spanish, for a grade. Now I am not terrible at spanish, but not great either, and my creativity is terrible. I have 6 prompts and would prefer all but if one person did one I would be very pleased. It is simple Spanish that I am not very good at. A fluent speaker could probably rattle each off in 10 minutes.
The prompts are, with the tenses:
1) What do you like to do during summer break when you were young? Pretirte
2)What would your ideal husband be like? Future
3)What would you do if you were super rich Conditional
4)What did you do over your Christmas vacation? perfect
5)What will you have done by the age of 30? Future perfect
6)What is your daily routine? Pressent perfect
If you would, please have them be about 15 sentenses each. Since you do not know me, just make them up. The sentenses can be really simple i.e During summer break, I liked to swim in the lake. Please help a fellow human out. I'd really appreciate it.