What is a semi-formal or informal word that I can use to address a child whose name I do not know? For instance, in English I would say something like "Hey kiddo."
Any suggestions?
What is a semi-formal or informal word that I can use to address a child whose name I do not know? For instance, in English I would say something like "Hey kiddo."
Any suggestions?
There are many possibilities.
For up to about 5 years old, "Pequeño/a" or simply "peque."
For 5-10 years old approximately, "Chaval/a"
Hi Ed!
It depends on what country you are when addressing a child.
In Argentina, we don't use anything coming from "pequeño o niño"
We tend to say Hola, Lindo/a, or Hola bebé if it is a baby. Sometimes people, mainly men, can say "Hola campeón" if the kid is a boy.
Hope it helps
"Hey chico/a" can be a suitable translation.
I agree with diegonel. Those are the most frequently used here in Argentina.
It depends on how old the kid is...
¡Hola nené! would work or if older, !HOla campeón! as diegonoel said. There are many possibilities, they all depend on the age and how familiar or related you are to the kid.
Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
Trygve Halvdan Lie
Well I'm traveling to nicaragua in a few weeks on a mission trip so I will have never met these kids before in my life. However I want to be slightly informal and friendly. Any words specific to Nicaragua or that region that I can use?
"Hola campeón"............ Heard that in Spain, said to youths mostly.
"Espinete"........... if the kid has curly or pointy hair.
Last edited by ed_freire; 04-21-2009 at 05:05 PM.
I`ve never heard the word "Espinete". It's never too late to learn new things
How aboutOriginally Posted by mariabelen
Have you heard it?
Well, I think this word is only for Mexico
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