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Thread: Last minute translation help

  1. #1
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    Default Last minute translation help

    can anyone translate to latin american spanish (mexico, maybe norther or central) the phrase "She loves to dance." I've used online translators and it kicks out "ella ama bailar" which i'm not sure is correct or not for the person I am writing this to. I know ella is she, and Bialer is dance, but ama means mistress, and I'm just not sure if this has a bad conotation in spanish like it CAN in english.

    any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by wamercurio
    can anyone translate to latin american spanish (mexico, maybe norther or central) the phrase "She loves to dance." I've used online translators and it kicks out "ella ama bailar" which i'm not sure is correct or not for the person I am writing this to. I know ella is she, and Bialer is dance, but ama means mistress, and I'm just not sure if this has a bad conotation in spanish like it CAN in english.

    any help is appreciated.
    "ella adora bailar" or "a ella le gusta mucho bailar" are better than "ella ama bailar". The meaning of "ama" is love, but sometimes we use "ama" as "like very much", but it is not very usual.


  3. #3
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    Usually, if you've already referred to her in previous lines, you wouldn't have to repeat the noun, so you would say "Le encanta bailar" (encantar used in intransitive form means "to like something very much"). If you want to use the noun, you would say "A ella le encanta bailar". I think these are the expressions we would use here, in México.
    Another way of expressing the same idea is "Le gusta mucho bailar" or "A ella le gusta mucho bailar", or as Martin says, "Adora bailar" or "Ella adora bailar".

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