A los expertos en el idioma Inglés, les pregunto si me pueden ayudar con esto:
¿Cómo se traduce la palabra "cat pelt" al español???
¿Existe algún "link" que me ayude....???
A los expertos en el idioma Inglés, les pregunto si me pueden ayudar con esto:
¿Cómo se traduce la palabra "cat pelt" al español???
¿Existe algún "link" que me ayude....???
Hola Carmen!
Es "piel de gato". Podrás encontrar info en:
¿Es esto lo que necesitás?
Saludos Carmen! busqué en Hydroponic Search.com pero la palabra pelt
aparentemente no tiene una traducción precisa al Español. Lo mejor que
puedo hacer es piel de gato (LA PIEL PUEDE SER VELLUDA o LAMPIÑA)
Espero haber ayudado. MARIANILES![]()
Hola a todas.
Pelt es igual de "hide"
pellejo, tambien pelleja (hide, skin stripped from an animal; Dic. Velázquez)
Skin, Hide, Pelt
In English, these words are loosely interchangeable but if you want to be specific about the use of the skin
consider this:
When you speak of a pelt generally you mean the skin or hide that has been stripped and cured with the hair or fur still on it, that will be marketed to be used to decorate a floor or wall, like a bearskin rug, or manufacture clothing such as fur coats and hats. When speaking of hides that generally means a skin that has the fur or hair removed to make leather such as cowhide, pigskin, lambskin, etc.
Pelt is more specific than hide or skin. To me a cat pelt suggests that it has been skinned and cured to preserve it, perhaps as a fur coat, like a leopardskin coat, so I would call it a pellejo.
¿Que opinan?
Last edited by vicente; 03-23-2008 at 01:25 AM.
Hola Vicente. It is difficult to find the precise word that will give the word pelt and optimate meaning in Spanish. Piel or pellejo would be to options and there are probably a few others. Pellejo in Puerto Rico could also mean a promiscuous male or female.
Saludos Les:Originally Posted by MARIANILES
You are right. I must admit that, except in the dicionary, I have not found an example of it being used to describe a pelt. Yes, I noticed that pelleja has a slang meaning in some parts. Of course that problem exists with a lot of words in both English and Spanish. I guess it's a question of whether there's a danger that somebody will mis-understand it's meaning in the context that it is used. For example, depending on how we use it in English, the word "beaver" is either a vulgar word or a perfectly innocent animal.
Según los diccionarios que uso, la palabra pellejo/pelleja signifcan "pelt". Pelleja tambien es jerga para una mujer de mala fama. Aúnque pellejo no es mencionado con relación a los hombres puede ser que sea como la palabra joto/jota de las cuales hablemos en otro foro. Claro que el significado depende de la manera de uso a la palabra. (corrections please)
nombre masculino
1 Piel de un animal, en especial cuando está separada del cuerpo: para dormir se cubrían con pellejos de ovejas, a modo de mantas; los cazadores mataron un zorro para arrancarle el pellejo. (diccionario.com)
Pellejo also means skin (human and/or animal) and is used in terms of cooking (cocinar sin o con pellejo), physical conditions (pellejo seco, pellejo gruesé, pellejo oscuro) and idioms (salvar su pellejo).
We can only provide the options and ultimately, I guess Carmen will have to decide which word she feels best suits her needs.
ATN: Carmen http://www.glacierwear.com/?source=google para ver que es un "pelt" y tal vez tendrás tu propia traduccion.
Last edited by vicente; 03-23-2008 at 07:04 PM.
Saludos Vincent!
I agree with you. Pelt can also mean among other things to throw things at someone or something or to rain heavily. I do not wish to confuse Carmen so I will not pelt the pelt and be left with a pelted pelt that is soaking wet. I've probably confused her more so.![]()
Another derogatory term in P.R. for a "promiscuous" person would be the word cuero.![]()
One last item. In the last sentence I would use "de la manera en que se usa..."
Gracias por su tiempo. Me quedó claro.....
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