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Thread: voicemail terminology

  1. #1
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    Default voicemail terminology

    Can anyone help me translate these words and sentences to Spanish? I cannot get the right terminology. I appreciate all your help.

    1. Duplicate Entry
    2. Forwarding Options
    3. Fax Autoforward
    4. When receiving faxes
    5. Automatically deliver to
    6. Zero out number/New Zero Out Schedule
    7. Append Existing List
    8. Major/Minor
    9. Outcall
    10. When Default Number is null, you must specify an Outcall Number here.
    11. Unread Voicemail
    12. User Login
    13. Deleted Email
    14. Pager Notification
    15. Initialization Page
    16. Done
    17. Account Status

    18. When two or more schedules overlap, the schedule with override enabled will have the highest priority. Otherwise, the schedule with the lowest ID # will take the highest priority. For example, if schedules #1 and #2 overlap (and neither has override enabled), the system will try to call the number associated with schedule #1 first.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Some tranlation I think it is ok:

    Duplicate Entry=Entrada duplicada

    When two or more schedules overlap, the schedule with override enabled
    will have the highest priority. Otherwise, the schedule with the lowest
    ID # will take the highest priority. For example, if schedules #1 and
    #2 overlap (and neither has override enabled), the system will play the
    greeting associated with schedule #1 first.

    Cuándo dos o más superposición de horarios, el horario con hace caso omiso permitido tendrá el prioridad.de otro modo más alto, el horario con la identificación más baja # tomará el prioridad.por ejemplo más alto, si planifica #1 y #2 superposición (y ni tiene hace caso omiso permitido), el sistema jugará el saludo asociado con el horario #1 primero

    Forwarding Options = Opciones de transferencia

    Fax Autoforward=Auto Adelantar Fax

    Personal Preferences=Preferencias personales

    When receiving faxes=Al recibir telecopie

    Automatically deliver to=Entregue automáticamente a

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