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Thread: Can I say this?

  1. #1
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    Default Can I say this?

    Hello, I want to say to a friend 'I like you very much and this will never change' ... Is this the correct translation:

    'Te quiero mucho y esto no cambiará nunca'

  2. #2
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    Default Te quiero mucho.....

    Your translation is perfect.

  3. #3
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    thanks hugo

  4. #4
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    May I disagree with hugo? I would NOT use "te quiero (mucho)" to translate your phrase... Just as there's a difference between "I like you" and "I love you", the same applies to "Me gustas" and "Te quiero"... It's ok if you LOVE this person, besides liking him/her, but be careful not to be declaring your love when you really wanted to express something different...

  5. #5
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lauracipolla
    May I disagree with hugo? I would NOT use "te quiero (mucho)" to translate your phrase... Just as there's a difference between "I like you" and "I love you", the same applies to "Me gustas" and "Te quiero"... It's ok if you LOVE this person, besides liking him/her, but be careful not to be declaring your love when you really wanted to express something different...
    I understand your point and I almost agree with you, but... It doesn't say I love you, in which case I'd say "Te amo". (something you usually say to the person you love, husband, wife, lover, children). In my opinion "Te amo" sounds stronger than "Te quiero" (something you usually say to your friends). And if you say "I like you", it's definitly "me gustás" but "te quiero" doesn't sound that wrong... Don't you agree? Hope you understand what I mean

    Best regards,

  6. #6
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    Default to love and to like

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    I understand your point and I almost agree with you, but... It doesn't say I love you, in which case I'd say "Te amo". (something you usually say to the person you love, husband, wife, lover, children). In my opinion "Te amo" sounds stronger than "Te quiero" (something you usually say to your friends). And if you say "I like you", it's definitly "me gustás" but "te quiero" doesn't sound that wrong... Don't you agree? Hope you understand what I mean

    Best regards,
    I certainly understand you. (I go on in Spanish). ya hubo alguna discusión respecto de la diferencia entre "te quiero" y "te amo", en español... cosa con la que ni siquiera estamos todos los hispanoparlantes de acuerdo! (¿son diferentes categorías/intensidades? ¿son un mismo sentimiento, sólo diferentes palabras?) pero aquí el tema era la diferencia entre "gustarle" a uno alguien y "amar/querer" a alguien... no son diferentes intensidades, en mi opinión, cuando se trata de personas (sí si hablo de que "me gusta" cantar o "amo" cantar = I like/love singing): con la gente, son diferentes sentimientos/sensaciones... yo quiero/amo a mucha gente, aunque no todos me gustan. ¡incluso a algunos los amo a pesar de no gustarme! y me gusta mucho mel gibson, por ejemplo, pero definitivamente no lo amo. (I love some people and I like some others---I not necessarily like all those I love, or love all those I like...)

    do you undertand my point now?

  7. #7
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lauracipolla
    y me gusta mucho mel gibson, por ejemplo, pero definitivamente no lo amo. (I love some people and I like some others---I not necessarily like all those I love, or love all those I like...)

    do you undertand my point now?
    Absolutly Laura! But... I definetly prefer Geroge Clooney!! jajaja

    Big kiss!

  8. #8
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    Hi There .. to put this in context, a friend sent me a letter and at the end she wrote 'Ya no me quieres' so I responded with 'Te queiro mucho'. I wanted to convey the same sentiment that she sent me. Would this make sense?

  9. #9
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    Default te quiero mucho...

    Quote Originally Posted by A577689
    Hi There .. to put this in context, a friend sent me a letter and at the end she wrote 'Ya no me quieres' so I responded with 'Te quiero mucho'. I wanted to convey the same sentiment that she sent me. Would this make sense?
    hey, A577689 (wow, it's hard to address someone called that! haha) it makes perfect sense! and you're responding in the same tone of your friend... not knowing that, my point was simply to make you aware that a declaration of love such as "te quiero mucho" might be inconvenient in some cases! not in this one!

  10. #10
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    Default do we have to choose?

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    Absolutly Laura! But... I definetly prefer Geroge Clooney!! jajaja

    Big kiss!
    I certainly like George too... particularly his low **** voice! (And who said we could only like ONE???) haha.

    Kiss for you!

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