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Thread: I want to give my landlord notice.

  1. #1
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    Default I want to give my landlord notice.

    Please help, I wish to give my landlord 1 months notice and say that my husband has stopped the rent money for april (which is the deposit) and that it is necessary for the landlord to come and see the apartment at the end of the month, but not sure how to say it and even if notice translates in Spanish.

    I was going to say: Quiero dar un mes de noticia de apartamento y mi marido has parado el denero para Abril. Cerca fin de mes es necesario para te ver su apartmento.

    Not sure if that makes any sense.



  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    I am not sure of what you mean in English,

    So I provide what I think is your idea in English and then a possible translation.

    English: We would like to give you 1-month notice about the termination of the lease of our apartment. We have payed from January to April. By the end of the month please come and visit our apartment.

    Spanish: Por la presente le notificamos con una antelación de un (1) mes que entregaremos el departamento que alquilamos. Hemos pagado el alquiler desde enero hasta abril. Al finalizar el mes venga a ver el estado del mismo.

  3. #3
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    Hola Reminder:

    Creo que la señora no quiería decir "enero" pero escribio mal la palabra dinero como denero.


    Your post is a little confusing. When you say "my husband has stopped the rent money for April" do you mean he stopped payment on the rent check or what? And what did you mean by: "(which is the deposit)"?

    If you want to say that you and your husband will not be sending in the rent for April and want the landlord to apply the deposit to pay April then I suggest:

    Por la presente le notificamos con una antelación de un (1) mes que le abandonarémos al apartamento que alquilamos. No mandamos la mensualidad de abril. Desearíamos pagar la renta de abril por medio del deposíto. Al finalizar el mes por favor venga a ver el estado del apartamento.

    This says:

    We are hereby notifying you one month in advance that we will abandon the apartment we are renting. We are not sending the monthly payment for April. We wish to pay the rent for April by means of the deposit. At the end of the month please come to inspect the condition of the apartment.
    Last edited by vicente; 03-31-2008 at 07:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Good one, Vicente, I had read this but did not pay attention to the denero part. Well observed!!

  5. #5
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    Hi Susie.

    Here´s a way to say it.

    Estimado señor (name of the land lord).
    Queremos hacer de su conocimiento que estaremos dejando vacante el apartamento para finales de mes. Le agradecería mucho que viniese para que revise el inmueble; nuestro deseo es

  6. #6
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    Hi it is me again, sorry about that I pushed the wrong button. Where I was.
    ; nuestro deseo es que el dinero depositado previamente como deposito de garantía se utilice para pagar este último mes.
    Then you nicelly say good bye.
    Hope this works well.


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