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Thread: how do you translate these sentences?

  1. #1
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    Default how do you translate these sentences?

    hi, i'm a student in need of help. i'm glad i found this forum because i'm having some trouble translating my sentences to spanish. In my situation, i'm doing a powerpoint presentation for an endangered species from a Spanish speaking countries, and it all needs to be in Spanish. My deadline for this project is coming a couple days soon and i have been trying, but still having some troubles. I'm not so good at Spanish yet, and i was wondering if any of you guys could help me translate my sentences. Please, if you could help, it will be greatly appreciated. Here are my sentences...

    "The European Mink (also known as Mutela Lutreola) can be found in Spain."

    "Physical Features":
    "They are small. They have a long body and long tail. The European Mink has a soft fur, small hands and face."

    "They are carnivores. They eat small mammals such as (especially the water vole), birds, frogs, molluscs, crabs, fish and insects."

    "Minks inhabits in the banks of creeks, rivers, and lakes."

    "Where They Live":
    "The minks are mostly found the Eastern Hemisphere counties."

    "Interesting Facts":
    "The female raises the young by herself until for about 10 weeks."
    "Minks are nocturnal and crepuscular, solitary and territorial."
    "They don't have good eyesight, but good sense of smell for hunting."
    "The European Minks are also semiquatic (swim and dive well)."

    "They are being endangered because of hunting, habitat loss, and water pollution. They are also close to extinction because of fur farming.

    "Keep Them Alive":
    "Please don't pollute the water."
    "Let's not hunt for them."
    "Discourage companies from further fur farming."
    "Don't take away or destroy their habitat."

    I have translated some of these sentences already, but I am concerned of my grammar use. Any help will be great..eve if it's just one sentece. it will really be greatly appreciated. So if you can, please do. (It doesn't have to be exactly what the sentence says, but as long as the idea//point is informed).. Please and thank you...

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanishstudent05
    I have translated some of these sentences already, but I am concerned of my grammar use. Any help will be great..eve if it's just one sentece. it will really be greatly appreciated. So if you can, please do. (It doesn't have to be exactly what the sentence says, but as long as the idea//point is informed).. Please and thank you...
    Please include your own translations first. This is a lot of work and this is not a free translations service. We help with your translations.

    Welcome to the forum.

  3. #3
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    Default Can you do my homework for me?

    spanishstudent05, Having someone doing your homework for you is called cheating. Do you really want to learn Spanish, because if you do this is not the way to go about it? Have a try. Post your attempts, and we will help you along the way.


  4. #4
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    I completely agree with Exxcéntrica and Kelly. But please, don't feel disappointed. As they said, this forum is intended to help all its members with their doubts or problems when translating, but none of us would ever ask the other members do our work for us. Post your versions, and we will gladly give you a hand with them.


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