Hola chico,
Cual es el significado de corn y wheat? Este es el contexto:
This has to do with a strike farmers are going on, because the President wants to boost the tax on export
In her speech, carried (transmitido)live on several Argentine television networks, she said the government has cut export taxes on corn and wheat to spur production of those grains, which are key for the domestic market. Most Argentine soy is exported.
Corn podria ser trigo, o maíz , pero wheat es avena?
El diccionario me ha confundido más, miren esto:
corn / kO:rn / n
1 [u]
a (cereal crop — in general) grano ; (maize) (AmE) maíz m; (wheat) (BrE) trigo m; (oats) (BrE) avena
b (foodstuff) maíz , choclo (AmS); corn on the cob =mazorca de maíz or (AmS) de choclo,
Gracias como siempreDIEGO