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Thread: English to Spanish help needed please.

  1. #1
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    Post English to Spanish help needed please.


    Can someone help me translate this short letter from english to spanish please. I need to send it to my friends in Mexico, who only read spanish.

    Thanking you in advance



    I write to you with very sad and disturbing news!! My hospital tests have returned positive. I've been diagnosed with a malignant breast tumour. And to make matters worse, the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes! that is why? the doctors found cancerous cells in the lump that I had under my armpit.

    I will be undergoing a lumpectomy surgery soon to remove the tumour in my breast.....!!! A surgery for my lymph nodes will also be done to see the extension of the cancerous cells in my lymph nodes. This procedure will permit the doctors to see how many lymph nodes contain the cancerous cells and remove them to avoid further spreading.

    I would like to take this moment to thank you all for the encouraging and supporting emails and e-cards you've sent me in these past 3 weeks. Your letters have given me strengh and hope to fight..and for that I thank you all very much! I leave you now for I am not feeling so well with the news I've received, but I would like to add that YES I will do everything that is needed to do in order to fight this cancer, even though I said I wouldn't......I guess your all right!! life is worth fighting for !!! and with positive thinking and great support!! I know I will win this battle..!!

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    HI Coco I am really sorry about this and I think you should keep your positive thinking ALWAYS. Keep smiling! it is a hard news and situation and I hope that besides positive thinking you also have people that help you cope with this.

    I am not sure about the use of some words in Mexico but I am sure they will understand or perhaps one Mexican colleague will correct me.

    Les escribo con noticias muy tristes y perturbadoras. Los éxamenes del hospital fueron positivos. Me diagnosticaron un tumor de mama maligno. Y para empeorar las cosas, el cáncer se ha expandido a mis nodos linfáticos. Por eso es que los doctores encontraron células cancerosas en el tumor que tenía en la axila.

    Dentro de poco me van a hacer una cirugía para extirparme el tumor de la mama. También me harán una cirugía en los nodos linfáticos para ver el alcance de las células cancerosas. Este procedimiento le permitirá a los doctores conocer cuántos nodos linfáticos contienen las células cancerosas y extirparlas para que no se sigan extendiendo.

    Quiero en este momento agradecer a todos por los correos y tarjetas eléctronicas que me han enviado en las tres últimas semanas. Sus cartas me han dado fuerza y esperanza para luchar y por eso quiero agracerles mucho. Ahora terminaré aquí porque no me siento bien con estas noticias pero me gustaría añadir que SI, haré todo lo que se necesite para luchar este cáncer aunque haya dicho que no lo haría. ..!!!Creo que tenían razón!!! Vale la pena luchar por la vida y con pensamiento positivo y gran ayuda, se que ganaré esta batalla.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  3. #3
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    Thank you for your thoughts and translation Sandra, and yes! I'm thankful to my friends and family who are helping me cope with this painful news.

    Thank you Sandra,


  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Good luck, Coco. I am very sorry. If you need to talk, we are here for you too.

    Read my signature, that will surely make you smile, in spite of everything!

  5. #5
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    Hello exxcentrica,

    Thank you very much for your thoughts, and yes! your signature has put a smile on me....

    Thank you very much!

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