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Thread: Translation please

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    Depende en el contexto, pero normalmente se la usa en plural "in the crosshairs" para hacer referencia a "enfocarse en algo" o "en la mira" como pidió jcmor31. Este término proviene del uso de los rifles cuando uno tiene que enfocar en el objeto antes del balazo.

    Al menos así lo interpreté yo... no comprendo sus interpretaciones

    mem286, Volvi a leer tu mensaje acerca de los "crosshairs". Si tu lo vuelves a leer vas a notar que ninguno de los articulos dice que la "transparency" esta in the crosshairs". Sino que Iran esta en los "crosshairs" por su falta de "transparency".

    With all due respect mem286 no se le puede hechar un balazo a la "transparency". You can not say "transparency in the crosshairs"

  2. #12
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Kelly, lo de Irán fueron los tres primeros ejemplos de Google para reforzar la idea de que Irán está en la mira, enfocado, observado... (al igual que la transparencia a la que hace referencia jcmor31). Además da la idea de que la transparencia está cuestionada... por eso está en la mira, no?

    Y lo del balazo es sólo de dónde proviene la palabra... no le quiero dar un balazo a la transparencia

    Tal vez si hablamos de "lack of transparency"?

    Anyway, aclaro esos puntos y hasta allí llego porque mi lengua nativa es el español y puedo equivocarme...

    Last edited by mem286; 05-07-2008 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #13
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    You can not say "transparency in the crosshairs"

    With all due respect, yes, you can say "transparency in the crosshairs"


    in this case "in the crosshairs" is an euphemism and has nothing to do with firing bullets you can use it any way that you like to indicate that you are focused on something, even an intangible. If government transparency is the subject and that is what you are focusing on you could say "openness is the issue and we have transparency in the crosshairs", which is simply saying that transparency is your concern. You could just as easily say government honesty or government policy, etc., are subjects that "are in the crosshairs" of public opinion.

    Regarding the original question:

    "Hello how do you translate this statement into English

    Transparencia a la Vista"

    Suggestion: "transparency (or openness) under scrutiny"

  4. #14
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Vicente, you are my Bible!!!!!!!!!!!

    As I said before... native speakers ALWAYS have the last word...

  5. #15
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Transparencia a la Vista"

    Suggestion: "transparency (or openness) under scrutiny"
    I would go with this one too. And I certainly agree with mem, (and I would like to remind all our friends ....that he is SINGLE!!! ) ON THIS :

    Vicente, you are my Bible!!!!!!!!!!!
    I didn't know the expression corosshairs at all , good word.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    You can not say "transparency in the crosshairs"
    With all due respect, yes, you can say "transparency in the crosshairs"

    since in this case "in the crosshairs" is an euphemism and has nothing to do with firing bullets you can use it any way that you like to indicate that you are focused on something, even an intangible. If government transparency is the subject and that is what you are focusing on you could say "openness is the issue and we have transparency in the crosshairs", which is simply saying that transparency is your concern. You could just as easily say government honesty or government policy, etc., are subjects that "are in the crosshairs" of public opinion.
    Regarding the original question:
    "Hello how do you translate this statement into English
    Transparencia a la Vista"
    Suggestion: "transparency (or openness) under scrutiny"

    Transparency under scrutiny is OK, but the words used by the US government for this purpose are "watch and track"
    In fact I have looked and found several websites that will back my point

    This is an excerpt from President Bush's speech at the signing of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006.

    and so in a few moments, I'll sign the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. This bill is going to create a website that will list the federal government's grants and contracts. It's going to be a website that the average citizen can access and use. It will allow Americans to log onto the Internet just to see how your money is being spent. This bill will increase accountability and reduce incentives for wasteful spending. I am proud to sign it into law and I am proud to be with members of both political parties who worked hard to get this bill to my desk.

    This has been a good effort by concerned members of the House and the Senate to say to the American people, we want to earn your trust; when we spend your money, we want you to be able to watch us.
    Barrack Obama:

    WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Barack Obama (D-IL) and Tom Coburn (R-OK) today hailed the Senate's passage of the "Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act," a bill that will create a Google-like search engine and database to track approximately $1 trillion in federal grants, contracts, earmarks and loans.
    My suggestion, as if my suggestion mattered, is Transparency Watch

    Last edited by kellymellars; 05-08-2008 at 10:53 AM.

  7. #17
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Suggestion: "transparency (or openness) under scrutiny"
    Exactly what I meant when I posted:
    Transparencia en la mira. transparency will be discussed as one current lacking problem or one issue with difficulties.
    And mem, our interpretations came from the fact that jcmor31 first asked for the translation of:
    1. transparencia a la vista
    and then mentioned when trying to explain his request:
    2. transparencia en la mira
    and I was trying to explain that both expressions do not have the same meaning in Spanish since as you can see there is a contradiction in this explanation
    Transparencia en la mira, es decir se trata de que podemos ver los resultados.
    So, jcmor31 is it 1 or 2???
    If it is number 2, then the translation offered by Vicente applies. If not, then we will wait for another choice, or perhaps one offered before applies. And I would say the one offered by Kelly would do.
    Transparency Watch
    Last edited by SandraT; 05-08-2008 at 12:03 PM.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  8. #18
    RLX is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    You can not say "transparency in the crosshairs"

    With all due respect, yes, you can say "transparency in the crosshairs"


    in this case "in the crosshairs" is an euphemism and has nothing to do with firing bullets you can use it any way that you like to indicate that you are focused on something, even an intangible. If government transparency is the subject and that is what you are focusing on you could say "openness is the issue and we have transparency in the crosshairs", which is simply saying that transparency is your concern. You could just as easily say government honesty or government policy, etc., are subjects that "are in the crosshairs" of public opinion.

    Regarding the original question:

    "Hello how do you translate this statement into English

    Transparencia a la Vista"

    Suggestion: "transparency (or openness) under scrutiny"
    I'm actually new to this site but I have been watching for quite a while. This "transparency in the crosshairs" controversy has prompted me to register and join in the fun.
    Of course one can use the phrase "transparency in the crosshairs" but it is a bit clumsey. To have something in the crosshairs normally refers to something animate, a deer, a person, an organization; in this case the government.
    Perhaps it would be better to say "the government's transparency is in the crosshairs"

  9. #19
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    RLX: Thanks for your input. Certainly the phrase could be better structured but it was only an example of how "in the crosshairs" could be used, not an example of it's best use.
    Last edited by vicente; 05-08-2008 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #20
    RLX is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by SandraT
    Exactly what I meant when I posted:

    And mem, our interpretations came from the fact that jcmor31 first asked for the translation of:
    1. transparencia a la vista
    and then mentioned when trying to explain his request:
    2. transparencia en la mira
    and I was trying to explain that both expressions do not have the same meaning in Spanish since as you can see there is a contradiction in this explanation

    So, jcmor31 is it 1 or 2???
    If it is number 2, then the translation offered by Vicente applies. If not, then we will wait for another choice, or perhaps one offered before applies. And I would say the one offered by Kelly would do.
    Transparency Watch
    I agree with Kelly. Transparency Watch sounds better in this case. Although "Transparency (or Openness) Under Scrutiny" and "Transparency Watch" (as in watch dogs), are basically the same.
    Last edited by RLX; 05-08-2008 at 02:49 PM.

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