Interesting post Scott

As I mentioned in my post, I did not research the subject before I posted so I might be in error on some things. Still, I wonder about freeways not being "free of charge". There might be some but offhand, I know of no freeway that charges (expressways maybe) but I haven't been on them all so... I know that what we (in my neck of the woods) normally call freeways are part of the interstate highway system funded by the federal government and to my knowledge I have never paid to travel on one.
Re "expressway". What you described is what we call an "
express lane" on a freeway not an expressway. There are also HOV (high occupancy traffic) lanes. A true expressway is identical to a freeway except that it is shorter, built for a specific high-density traffic area and not part of the Interstate system. I'm trying to think of some well-known ones but the Long Island Expressway is all that comes to mind at the moment.
I used the term "archaic" because, to my knowledge, I don't think they name them turnpikes anymore. I know there are several in existence but they are all pretty old. I have travelled the New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida Turnpikes and the newest one (Florida) was built in the 60s 0r 70s.
As for paying on a tollroad, your description is accurate except that on some of them you don't get a ticket when you enter, you simply throw money in a basket at certain toll points.
I think terminology is a matter of what part of the country you live in so it is difficult to accurately say what these different roads are called throughout the country (an expressway to you, is an express lane to me) but I think we have pretty well explained the system.
Cheers, vicente