I've purchased learning software.. but the wrong one. I actually wanted Spanish (Spain), not Spanish (Latin America). Since they're worried I just copied the discs as a pirate, I cannot return them, or exchange them. I've already accepted this. Exactly how disrespectful is it to use informal, rather than formal? I know this varies by location.. But for those of you that are natives of Latin America, or Spain, I would like some insight. Do you guys really get offended when someone uses tú rather than Usted?
I've heard that in areas where Castilian is common, using Usted actually makes the other person you're speaking to feel old, and therefor informal is most common. Also that most people in Spain consider Usted to be a bit stuffy (too formal/snobbish).
Also, would the following response be too informal?
¿Cómo está Usted? / ¿Cómo estás?
Bien, ¿y tú?
Why, or why not?
Or should I stick with some varient of Bien, ¿Cómo estás tú?