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Thread: Recipe translation

  1. #1
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    Default Recipe translation

    Some relatives are coming over and they dont know english that well and i need to give them these recipe in spainsh, can you help me out?


    3 very ripe plantains

    3 tbsp. flour
    4 tbsp. melted butter

    2/3 cup shortening or lard

    1. Boil and mash plantains; add flour and butter and mix thoroughly.
    2. Fry the beans in 1 tbsp. shortening for about 5 minutes.
    3. Heat remaining shortening in another frying pan, add plantain mixture, 1 tbsp. at a time.
    4. Fry the "pancakes" for about 5 minutes.

  2. #2
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    can someone do this quickly? i need it soon.

    thanks alot, it means a ton!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoffmann21
    Some relatives are coming over and they dont know english that well and i need to give them these recipe in spainsh, can you help me out?


    3 very ripe plantains

    3 tbsp. flour
    4 tbsp. melted butter

    2/3 cup shortening or lard

    1. Boil and mash plantains; add flour and butter and mix thoroughly.
    2. Fry the beans in 1 tbsp. shortening for about 5 minutes.
    3. Heat remaining shortening in another frying pan, add plantain mixture, 1 tbsp. at a time.
    4. Fry the "pancakes" for about 5 minutes.

    OK, Hoffmann, since there aren't any native Spanish speakers online to help I will give it my best.


    3 plantanos, bien maduro
    3 cucharas de masa
    2 cucharas de mantequilla ablandado

    2/3 tasa de manteca

    1. coce (hervir) los plantanos y hacerlos de puré; añade la masa y mantequilla y mezcle completamente.
    2. coce (freir) los frijoles con 1 cuchara de manteca por 5 minutos.
    3. calentar el resto de la manteca en otra sartén, añade una cuchara de la mezcla de los plantanos, una a una, para hacer panqueque.
    4. coce (freir) los panqueques por 5 minutos, mas o menos

    I hope this works. Any woman should be able to understand any errors I have made. Depending on what country she is from, she might know what a panqueque is....tell her it's like a tortilla

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    3 bananas, bien maduras
    3 cucharadas de harina
    2 cucharadas de mantequilla derretida

    2/3 tazas de manteca

    1. cocer las bananas y hacerlas puré; añadir la harina y la mantequilla y mezclar
    2. freír los frijoles con 1 cucharada de manteca durante 5 minutos.
    3. calentar el resto de la manteca en otra sartén, añadir de una en una, una cucharada de la mezcla de las bananas
    4. freír las tortas durante aprox. 5 minutos
    Good luck!
    Hola Vicente, el principal error fue lo de "cucharada" (teaspoon) y "cuchara" (spoon!!).
    Normalmente se usan infinitivos en recetas.
    Plátanos en España son siempre de Canarias. El tipo de "plátano " para freír son "bananas". Frijoles en España son negros...no sé si es esto. Aquí diríamos "judías", que pueden ser blancas, pintas (rojas) o canela( pink)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    Hola Vicente, el principal error fue lo de "cucharada" (teaspoon) y "cuchara" (spoon!!).
    Normalmente se usan infinitivos en recetas.
    Plátanos en España son siempre de Canarias. El tipo de "plátano " para freír son "bananas". Frijoles en España son negros...no sé si es esto. Aquí diríamos "judías", que pueden ser blancas, pintas (rojas) o canela( pink)
    Hola Exx. Recuerdas que ya hablémos de los plántanos antes en otro foro. En los EU bananas son bananas y plátanos son plátanos. En centroamérica plátanos son plátanos y bananas son bananos.

    Do you think that a woman, any woman, who knows how to cook would be able to cook this recipe the way I wrote it, bad Spanish and all?

    What kind of beans can you fry in 5 minutes!!? What are they for?

  6. #6
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Fry the beans
    is not to clear to me as how to translate the word beans.
    Usually, you can't fry beans, you must cook (boil) them first (unless you are using canned beans). There is no way you can fry beans (without previously boiling/cooking it) and not breaking all your teeth while trying to eat them.
    In Cuba, as in Spain, we have black beans, white beans (judías), red beans, pink beans, etc.
    What if these beans Hoffmann is referring to are green beans??? habichuelas...there is no mention of the beans in the ingredients.
    These green beans you can fry them, or just eat them without cooking them previously. So, Hoffmann, could you let us know about the beans?? Perhaps we can try the recipe at home.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  7. #7
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Do you think that a woman, any woman, who knows how to cook would be able to cook this recipe the way I wrote it, bad Spanish and all?

    What kind of beans can you fry in 5 minutes!!? What are they for?
    The bean thing , I have no idea. I agree with Sandra, you cannot fry beans in some minutes, in Spain the habichuelas are called "judias verdes" (there are parts of Spain's where hey are called habichuelas too)

    Well, Vicente, if the woman knows how to cook, my answer is "nyes". But if she doesn't, she would have gone with the recipe and then, I mean, a spoon is not a teaspoon, imagine the amount of everything!
    And the word "masa" if I had read that , I would have been at loss! And I would not have been able to imagine harina.

  8. #8
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    Default cuchara / cucharada

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    el principal error fue lo de "cucharada" (teaspoon) y "cuchara" (spoon!!).
    exxcéntrica, let me correct you. we do have the same problem in Spanish, because you hear TV cooks say "una cucharita de azúcar", when it should be "una cucharadita de azúcar"... (do people make the same mistake in English?)

    spoon = cuchara (the utensil)
    spoonful = cucharada (the amount you can put in a spoon)

    teaspoon = cucharita (again, the utensil)
    teaspoonful = cucharadita (same...)

  9. #9
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    Well, Vicente, if the woman knows how to cook, my answer is "nyes". But if she doesn't, she would have gone with the recipe and then, I mean, a spoon is not a teaspoon, imagine the amount of everything!
    Isn't it against the law for a woman not to know how to cook!!!

    And the word "masa" if I had read that , I would have been at loss! And I would not have been able to imagine harina.
    OK, I was wrong using masa for flour. Masa is the dough or batter. Flour is harina. But masa harina is corn tortilla flour. So is harina de maiz. I guess I should have said harina de trigo.

    "Fry the beans in 1 tbsp. shortening for about 5 minutes."
    Sandra wrote: Usually, you can't fry beans, you must cook (boil) them first (unless you are using canned beans). There is no way you can fry beans (without previously boiling/cooking it)
    The beans were probably pre-cooked and mashed to make refritos (re-fried beans) but this recipe leaves questions. Assuming they were already cooked, what do yo do with them after you fry them for 5 minutes?? Maybe they're supposed to served on top of the panqueques

    Frijoles en España son negros
    Frijoles here and in Mexico are pinto beans. They are slightly pink...what you call canelas, I guess. To make refried beans they are boiled, mashed and fried in oil.

  10. #10
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    En realidad tienes razón, pero con frecuencia, al menos en España, cucharada equivale a cucharadita: mira en este artículo, se habla de dos mililitros, claramente una cucharadita, sin ambargo, el título es cucharada...

    lo mismo pasa con el uso de cucharada o cuchara:

    Tomar una cuchara de miel antes de desayunar regula el funcionamiento intestinal y es laxante.
    Como siempre, la teoría es una cosa, la práctica otra.

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