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Thread: total cost per call/tender

  1. #1
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default total cost per call/tender

    Tengo un documento de Costa Maya, un puerto considerado un destino turístico importante de México. En una sección que habla de distintos viajes hay tres columnas y dicen:


    TENDER??? No se como traducir tender (se que a veces es oferta pero aqui no creo que tenga sentido)

    Lo de call y tender me desconcierta.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Hola Exx! No sé si algo de esto tenga sentido porque no entiendo bien el documento que mencionas... pero acá va algo y tal vez alguien pueda aportar otra idea:

    TENDER: En un contexto marítimo podría referirse a "servicios" u "ofertas de servicio marítimo". Remember: un "ocean tender" es también un buque auxiliar http://www.ocean-heritage.com/special.html o un "buque nodriza"

    cost per call

    - Cost per call is a call center metric calculated by dividing the total operational costs by the total number of calls for a given period of time. As SearchCRM.com's call center expert Lori Bocklund explains, cost per call metric can be understood in a number of ways: Cost per call is one of several key performance indicators contact centers today may use. It is certainly a measurement of efficiency, but can reflect other things as well. It can't be viewed in a vacuum. Rather, you need to consider it in the context of your business goals, and your initiatives based on those goals. For example, a company with a big push to grow revenue per customer may happily see cost per call increase if corresponding measures of revenue per call or per customer are increasing at a greater rate. Using CRM tools and processes, the customer sales representatives may be spending more time with customers to up-sell, cross-sell, and optimize the relationship.

    Encontré algo más que a mi entender está más claro, y en las páginas en español lo vi como "modelo cost-per-call"... no podés agregar un poco más de contexto Exx?

    Lo siguiente está en esta página: http://www.adido-solutions.com/resou...at-is-cpc.aspx

    <H2>CPC: Cost Per Call

    One of the biggest problems with traditional online advertising, such as Pay Per Click, is that businesses require a website to allow people to contact them. Not only that a bad website can have a negative impact and turn people away, resulting in a waste of online advertising budget.
    Cost Per Call works by allowing ANYONE to attract new businesses using a traditional medium... phone calls! Users search for their product or services in the usual way by typing keywords into search engines. This time, instead of clicking on adverts and going to websites, searchers are presented with a page of information about the company and a phone number to call. When the searcher calls the number, it is logged by the phone and search engine provider and is connected to the company.
    A simple, but very effective, concept which can work for any business.
    Last edited by mem286; 06-05-2008 at 05:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hola mi amiga, muchas gracias. Lo de tender en efecto, as&#237; es. No pod&#237;a imaginarme eso en el contexto.

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