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Thread: Birthday Video Text

  1. #1
    Registered User italianito's Avatar
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    Default Birthday Video Text

    Hey guys I speak spanish decently well and I am finishing a video for a surpise party tomorrow and I just want to make sure all the spanish is correct or some of the invites might notice, in which case I'd probably look foolish haha. I've posted my attempts and would appreciate any feedback/corrections

    Today, the 21 of October is a day in which we gather to celebrate the 25th birthday of a great person.

    Esta dia, el 21 de octobre es un dia en cual estamos aqui celebrar el 25 cumpleanos de una buena persona.

    The story begins 25 years ago in El salvador, with a little magic and some bad luck (haha). To skip the boring parts, 25 years later we are here to celebrate the birthday of --

    La historia comenza 25 anos pasado en El Salvador, con un poco de magia y algun mala suerte. Para pasar las partes abburidas, 25 anos despues ya estamos aqui celebrar la fiesta de ---

    A person who many of us would call a great guy and a better friend.
    (if we are drinking, or dunk)

    Una persona que muchos de nostrous llamamos un buen hombre y un mejor amigo.

    I might go as far as to say a wonderful boyfriend.
    (but i'd be lying)

    Podria decir un buen novio...
    (Pero no quiero mentir)

    Someone in which we can confide (just not with our secrets or anything important)

    Un hombre en que podemos confiar
    (pero no con secretos ni algo importante)

    A hard worker (you'd be suprised how hard it is to sleep 23 hours a day).

    Un buen trabajador
    (es de extranar que dificil es dormir 23 horas al dia)

    A great cook (This was actually just a joke, the photo here is the only evidence that --- has actually ever cooked, attempted to cook or pretended to cook. It might be the only time -- was ever near a grill, stove or other cooking device.)

    Un buen cocinero
    (Actualmente esto es un chiste, la foto aqui es la unica preva que -- ha cocinado, ha intentado cocinar o ha fingido cocinar. Es posible que fue la unica vez que -- fue cerca de una parilla, estofa o cualquier maquina de cocinando)

    and above all:

    Y mas que todo:

    a great person (Nobody say anything, it's his birthday, we are obligated to "exaggerate" the truth).

    Una buena persona (Nadie se puede negar, es su cumpleanos, y tenemos que "exagerar" la verdad)

    But all jokes aside:

    Pero hablando en serio:

    --- is a wonderful person. Who has become a great friend to many. An honest, fun, energetic one.

    --- Es una buena person. Un buen amigo de muchos. Y es muy honesto, divertido y tiene mucha enegeria.

    It's for that reason that we are all here today to celebrate (also the free beer).

    Y es por eso que estamos aqui hoy celebrar (tambien la cerveza es gratis)

    Other lines:

    "Sometimes his sense of style may not be the best"
    (A veces sus gustos no son los mejores)

    Thanks in advance!
    (Muchas gracias!)

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Birthday Video Text

    Today, the 21 of October is a day in which we gather to celebrate the 25th birthday of a great person.

    Hoy, 21 de octobre estamos aquí reunidos para celebrar los 25 años de una gran persona.

    The story begins 25 years ago in El salvador, with a little magic and some bad luck (haha). To skip the boring parts, 25 years later we are here to celebrate the birthday of --

    La historia comenzó hace 25 años en El Salvador, con un poco de magia y un poco de mala suerte (jajaja). Pero saltiemos las partes aburridas, 25 años después ya estamos aquí para celebrar la fiesta de ---

    A person who many of us would call a great guy and a better friend.
    (if we are drinking, or dunk)

    Una persona que muchos de nosotros llamamos un gran hombre y un mejor amigo.

    I might go as far as to say a wonderful boyfriend.
    (but i'd be lying)

    Podría decir un novio maravilloso...
    (Pero no quiero mentir)

    Someone in which we can confide (just not with our secrets or anything important)

    Un hombre en quien podemos confiar
    (excepto nuestros secretos o algo importante)

    A hard worker (you'd be suprised how hard it is to sleep 23 hours a day).

    Un trabajador arduo
    (les sorprendería lo arduo que es dormir 23 horas al día)

    A great cook (This was actually just a joke, the photo here is the only evidence that --- has actually ever cooked, attempted to cook or pretended to cook. It might be the only time -- was ever near a grill, stove or other cooking device.)

    Un gran cocinero
    (En realidad, es un chiste, esta foto es la única prueba de que -- ha cocinado, ha intentado cocinar o ha fingido cocinar. Es posible que haya sido la única vez que -- haya estado cerca de una parilla, estufa o cualquier aparato de cocina)

    and above all:

    Y por sobre todo:

    a great person (Nobody say anything, it's his birthday, we are obligated to "exaggerate" the truth).

    Una gran persona (Nadie diga nada, es su cumpleaños, y nos vemos obligados a "exagerar" la verdad)

    But all jokes aside:

    Pero hablando en serio:

    --- is a wonderful person. Who has become a great friend to many. An honest, fun, energetic one.

    --- Es una persona maravillosa. Un gran amigo de muchos de nosotros, muy honesto, divertido y una persona con mucha energía.

    It's for that reason that we are all here today to celebrate (also the free beer).

    Es por eso que estamos todos hoy aquí para festejar (también porque la cerveza es gratis)

    Other lines:

    "Sometimes his sense of style may not be the best"
    (A veces sus gustos no son los mejores)

    Well done italianito! I just tried to make it sound more natural. Hope it helps and happy birthday to your friend!!!
    Last edited by mem286; 10-17-2008 at 09:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User italianito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Birthday Video Text

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, it sounds great! I knew how i wanted to word it but I didn't know how to make it sound so good in spanish but you made it sound better than I had hoped!

    Thanks and thanks on behalf of my friend (who I'm sure will get a kick out of it , and thanks to you understand alot clearer aswell).

    Thanks again,

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