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Thread: Game

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Rep Power

    Default Game

  2. #2
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Rep Power


    $cetwar[0][2]="Error: Password";
    $cetwar[0][3]="Entered Password does not match";
    $cetwar[0][4]="Error: Password";
    $cetwar[0][5]="You can't leave your field empty";
    $cetwar[0][6]="Account activated";
    $cetwar[0][7]="Welcome to Cetwar, your account has be successfully activated";
    $cetwar[0][9]="Retype Password";

    // Alliance Panel
    $cetwar[1][0]="ALLIANCE PANEL";
    $cetwar[1][2]="Here you can change basic settings of your Alliance, after making changes, you can't get previous settings back";
    $cetwar[1][3]="Alliance Destroyed";
    $cetwar[1][4]="Alliance has been successfully destroyed";
    $cetwar[1][5]="Password Changed";
    $cetwar[1][6]="Password successfully saved";
    $cetwar[1][7]="Kick Granted";
    $cetwar[1][8]="You have successfully kicked player";
    $cetwar[1][9]="from the alliance";
    $cetwar[1][10]="Error: Kick";
    $cetwar[1][11]="Can't find this player";
    $cetwar[1][12]="Current Password";
    $cetwar[1][13]="Change Alliance Password";
    $cetwar[1][14]="Kick player from Alliance";
    $cetwar[1][15]="Destroy your Alliance";
    $cetwar[1][16]="You are not leader of an Alliance";
    $cetwar[1][17]="Save changes";

    // Alliance Email
    $cetwar[2][0]="SENDING A MAIL";
    $cetwar[2][3]="Please fill the form bellow";
    $cetwar[2][4]="Message sent";
    $cetwar[2][5]="Message has been successfully sent";
    $cetwar[2][6]="You are sending a mail to";
    $cetwar[2][7]="All Alliance Members";
    $cetwar[2][8]="You don't have access to this function";

    // Alliance Members
    $cetwar[3][0]="ALLIANCE MEMBERS";
    $cetwar[3][2]="Alliance left";
    $cetwar[3][3]="You have helf an Alliance";
    $cetwar[3][4]="Alliance joined";
    $cetwar[3][5]="You have joined an Alliance";
    $cetwar[3][6]="Unable to join";
    $cetwar[3][7]="Alliance password is wrong";
    $cetwar[3][8]="Alliance is full";
    $cetwar[3][9]="You are banned and can't join another Alliance fro 7 days";
    $cetwar[3][10]="Join Alliance";
    $cetwar[3][11]="Leave Alliance";
    $cetwar[3][19]="This Alliance Does not exist";
    $cetwar[3][20]="Number of members";

    // Attack Logs
    $cetwar[4][0]="ATTACK LOGS";
    $cetwar[4][2]="DEFENSIVE LOGS";
    $cetwar[4][6]="Your victims";
    $cetwar[4][7]="Enemy's victims";
    $cetwar[4][9]="You Loose";
    $cetwar[4][10]="You Won";
    $cetwar[4][12]="OFFENSIVE LOGS";

    // Armory
    $cetwar[5][2]="Shopping Granted";
    $cetwar[5][3]="You have bought tools or armors from armory shop";
    $cetwar[5][4]="You don't have enough money or invalid process";
    $cetwar[5][5]="Shopping Failed";
    $cetwar[5][6]="You don't have enough staff";
    $cetwar[5][7]="Selling Granted";
    $cetwar[5][8]="You sold some tools or armors to armory shop";
    $cetwar[5][9]="You don't have so many tools or armors";
    $cetwar[5][10]="You can buy only one weapon or tool per personel. You can sell your items for half price";
    $cetwar[5][11]="OFFENSIVE ARMORY";
    $cetwar[5][20]="DEFENSIVE ARMORY";
    $cetwar[5][21]="WORKER TOOLS";
    $cetwar[5][23]="SPY TOOLS";
    $cetwar[5][25]="HACKER TOOLS";
    $cetwar[5][26]="SCIENCE TOOLS";
    $cetwar[5][29]="Offensive Soldiers";
    $cetwar[5][30]="Offensive overall quantity";
    $cetwar[5][31]="Defensive Soldiers";
    $cetwar[5][32]="Defensive overall quantity";
    $cetwar[5][34]="Worker tools quantity";
    $cetwar[5][36]="Spy tools quantity";
    $cetwar[5][38]="Hacker tools quantity";
    $cetwar[5][40]="Science tools quantity";

    // Attack
    $cetwar[6][3]="Enemy has been attacked";
    $cetwar[6][5]="This attack will take you 10 turns";
    $cetwar[6][6]="This player does not exist";
    $cetwar[6][7]="You can't attack yourself";
    $cetwar[6][8]="You've attacked";
    $cetwar[6][9]="Player has been attacked";
    $cetwar[6][10]="Result of attack";
    $cetwar[6][11]="You Loose";
    $cetwar[6][12]="You Won";
    $cetwar[6][13]="Your victims";
    $cetwar[6][14]="Enemy's victims";
    $cetwar[6][15]="Gained EXP";
    $cetwar[6][16]="Gained Money";
    $cetwar[6][17]="You can attack this player only 5 times per 24hours";
    $cetwar[6][19]="Back to profile";
    $cetwar[6][20]="You need to have 10 turns to attack";

    // Bank
    $cetwar[7][2]="Deposit successful";
    $cetwar[7][3]="You have successfully deposited money in bank";
    $cetwar[7][4]="Deposit failed";
    $cetwar[7][5]="You can't deposit money in bank";
    $cetwar[7][6]="Withdraw Successful";
    $cetwar[7][7]="You have successfully withdrawed money from bank";
    $cetwar[7][8]="Withdraw Failed";
    $cetwar[7][9]="You can't withdraw money from bank";
    $cetwar[7][10]="This is your personal bank, where you can deposit and withdraw your gold.<br><br>You can have";
    $cetwar[7][11]="banked money. Each transaction will cost you 5% of money.<br>Min. deposit or withdraw is 100$";
    $cetwar[7][12]="Bank Informations";
    $cetwar[7][13]="Banked money";

    // Become a major
    $cetwar[8][0]="BECOME A MAJOR";
    $cetwar[8][2]="With becoming a Major, you get";
    $cetwar[8][3]="Your own avatar";
    $cetwar[8][4]="Your own personal message";
    $cetwar[8][5]="Maximum turns incresed for";
    $cetwar[8][6]="Unique Major medal";

    // Biochemical attack
    $cetwar[9][0]="BIOCHEMICAL ATTACK";
    $cetwar[9][3]="You don't have Biochemical bomb";
    $cetwar[9][5]="Back to profile";
    $cetwar[9][6]="Launch Bomb";
    $cetwar[9][7]="This player does not exist";
    $cetwar[9][8]="You have attacked";
    $cetwar[9][9]="Attack was";
    $cetwar[9][11]="No Signal";
    $cetwar[9][13]="Population before";
    $cetwar[9][14]="Number of victims";

    // Biochemical bomb
    $cetwar[10][0]="BIOCHEMICAL BOMB";
    $cetwar[10][2]="Construction Failed";
    $cetwar[10][3]="You are not in a position to manage this function";
    $cetwar[10][4]="You don't have enough money";
    $cetwar[10][5]="Construction started";
    $cetwar[10][6]="Bomb part is now under construction";
    $cetwar[10][7]="Once you have Rocket Base and all necessary chemicals you can start building a bomb. You can use Biochemical Bomb to destroy your enemy. The bomb will kill 10% - 30% of enemy's population. If your enemy has Defensive Rockets, your hit probability decreases. When you buy all parts, the Bomb is prepared. After using it, you won't have it anymore, so you will need to buy parts again.";
    $cetwar[10][8]="Rocket Base";
    $cetwar[10][17]="Work done";
    $cetwar[10][18]="Under Construction";
    $cetwar[10][24]="Chemicals Holder";
    $cetwar[10][25]="War Head";

    // Biochemical Logs
    $cetwar[11][0]="BIOCHEMICAL LOGS";
    $cetwar[11][2]="INCOMING BIOCHEMICAL LOGS";
    $cetwar[11][9]="OUTGOING BIOCHEMICAL LOGS";

    // Boosters
    $cetwar[12][3]="Boost is now activated";
    $cetwar[12][4]="Boosting Failed";
    $cetwar[12][5]="You don't have enough booster points";
    $cetwar[12][6]="Boost is now extended";
    $cetwar[12][7]="Booster Points";
    $cetwar[12][8]="You've got";
    $cetwar[12][9]="OFFENSIVE BOOSTER";
    $cetwar[12][10]="With Offensive Booster your offensive power will increase by";
    $cetwar[12][11]="Boost will end in";
    $cetwar[12][13]="after the moment of boost activation";
    $cetwar[12][16]="DEFENSIVE BOOSTER";
    $cetwar[12][17]="With Defensive Booster your defensive power will increase by";
    $cetwar[12][18]="INCOME BOOSTER";
    $cetwar[12][19]="With Income Booster your income per cycle will increase by";
    $cetwar[12][20]="HACK BOOSTER";
    $cetwar[12][21]="With Hack Booster your hacking power will increase by";
    $cetwar[12][22]="SCIENCE BOOSTER";
    $cetwar[12][23]="With Science Booster your research time will decrease by";
    $cetwar[12][24]="SPY BOOSTER";
    $cetwar[12][25]="With Spy Booster your spy skills will increase by";

    // Buy turns
    $cetwar[13][0]="BUY TURNS";
    $cetwar[13][3]="You will recieve";
    $cetwar[13][4]="banked turns. You can use them whenever you want";
    $cetwar[13][5]="MAXIMUM TURNS";
    $cetwar[13][6]="Your maximum turns will increase for";
    $cetwar[13][8]="You will also get extra";
    $cetwar[13][9]="banked turns";
    $cetwar[13][10]="NOTICE: You can have only";
    $cetwar[13][11]="of maximum turns and unlimited banked turns";

    // Central
    $cetwar[14][0]="MAIN INFORMATION CENTER";
    $cetwar[14][7]="Skill Points";
    $cetwar[14][10]="Army strenght";
    $cetwar[14][30]="Current Status";
    $cetwar[14][31]="Calculated income";
    $cetwar[14][33]="Whole Population";
    $cetwar[14][34]="Offensive Soldiers";
    $cetwar[14][35]="Defensive Soldiers";
    $cetwar[14][41]="Biochemical Status";
    $cetwar[14][42]="Rocket Base";
    $cetwar[14][43]="Biochemical Bomb";
    $cetwar[14][44]="Defensive Rockets";

  3. #3
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Rep Power


    // MENU
    $cetwar[15][0]="Command Center";
    $cetwar[15][6]="Power Plant";
    $cetwar[15][13]="Attack Logs";
    $cetwar[15][14]="Spy Logs";
    $cetwar[15][15]="Hack Logs";
    $cetwar[15][16]="Bio Logs";
    $cetwar[15][17]="Research Center";
    $cetwar[15][18]="Rocket Base";
    $cetwar[15][19]="Chemical Researches";
    $cetwar[15][20]="Chemical Market";
    $cetwar[15][21]="Biochemical Bomb";
    $cetwar[15][22]="Defensive Rockets";
    $cetwar[15][25]="Alliance Panel";
    $cetwar[15][26]="Make Alliance";
    $cetwar[15][27]="List of Members";
    $cetwar[15][28]="Top Alliances";
    $cetwar[15][29]="Alliance Mail";
    $cetwar[15][34]="Change Password";
    $cetwar[15][40]="General Menu";
    $cetwar[15][46]="Terms &amp Conditions";
    $cetwar[15][48]="Alliance Boost";

    // Index
    $cetwar[16][1]="New Password";
    $cetwar[16][2]="We have sent you your new password on your email!";
    $cetwar[16][3]="New Password";
    $cetwar[16][4]="Hello,\n\nYour new password is:";
    $cetwar[16][5]="\nPlease keep it in safe place and do not share your account with others.\n\nNOTICE: Please do not give out your login informations. Staff will NEVER ask you for login informations.\nPlease report all abuses to email: [email protected]\n\nRegards,\nCetwar Team";
    $cetwar[16][6]="Hello,\n\nUser (IP:";
    $cetwar[16][7]=") requested to reset your password, if this is not you then please contact us.\n\nTo change your password visit following link:\n";
    $cetwar[16][8]="\nPlease delete this email after you reset your password.\n\nNOTICE: Please do not give out your login informations. Staff will NEVER ask you for login informations.\nPlease report all abuses to email: [email protected].\n\nRegards,\nCetwar Team";
    $cetwar[16][9]="Activate Password";
    $cetwar[16][10]="We have sent you activation link on your email";
    $cetwar[16][11]="Activation Failed";
    $cetwar[16][12]="There is no such user! Please try again";
    $cetwar[16][15]="Registered players";
    $cetwar[16][16]="Online Players";
    $cetwar[16][17]="Top Alliance";
    $cetwar[16][18]="Top Player";
    $cetwar[16][19]="Attacks in last 24hrs";
    $cetwar[16][20]="Active Alliances";
    $cetwar[16][21]="Total money in game";
    $cetwar[16][22]="Event in process";
    $cetwar[16][25]="Support Online";

    // Change Password
    $cetwar[17][0]="CHANGE PASSWORD";
    $cetwar[17][3]="Please fill whole form";
    $cetwar[17][4]="Make sure, passwords are the same";
    $cetwar[17][5]="Password Changed";
    $cetwar[17][6]="You have changed your password";
    $cetwar[17][7]="New Password";
    $cetwar[17][8]="Repeat new password";
    $cetwar[17][9]="Change Password";
    $cetwar[17][10]="Here you can change your password. You can change password whenever you want to";

    // Crest Gallery
    $cetwar[18][0]="CREST GALLERY";
    $cetwar[18][2]="Every crest is unique and can't be used twice, if you want to have your own crest you must be premium user and send your crest to us";

    // Defensive Rockets
    $cetwar[19][0]="DEFENSIVE ROCKETS";
    $cetwar[19][2]="Construction Failed";
    $cetwar[19][3]="You are not in a position to manage this function";
    $cetwar[19][4]="You don't have enough money";
    $cetwar[19][5]="Defensive rockets increases your defense probability. More rockets you have, the higher is probability that launched Biochemical bomb doesn't hit you. You need rocket base to buy rockets. The maximum number of rockets your base can hold is 5";
    $cetwar[19][6]="Rocket Base";
    $cetwar[19][7]="Number of rockets";
    $cetwar[19][8]="Defense probability";
    $cetwar[19][14]="Defensive Rocket";

    // Players profile
    $cetwar[20][13]="Number of members";
    $cetwar[20][17]="Can't access this page";

    // Players
    $cetwar[21][0]="LIST OF PLAYERS";
    $cetwar[21][7]="Number of players";
    $cetwar[21][14]="Go to page";
    $cetwar[21][15]="Find by name";

    $cetwar[22][0]="UPGRADES AND BOOSTS";
    $cetwar[22][2]="Boost granted";
    $cetwar[22][3]="You have boosted your bonus";
    $cetwar[22][4]="Boost failed";
    $cetwar[22][5]="You don't have enough SP";
    $cetwar[22][6]="With upgrades, you enchant your power and with the certain level you unlock some of new features";
    $cetwar[22][7]="Current level";

    // Power plant
    $cetwar[23][0]="POWER PLANT";
    $cetwar[23][3]="You are new owner of the Power Plant";
    $cetwar[23][4]="Mission Failed";
    $cetwar[23][5]="You have failed the mission";
    $cetwar[23][6]="You don't have enough turns";
    $cetwar[23][8]="You have attacked protected area";
    $cetwar[23][9]="You can't attack your own area";
    $cetwar[23][10]="Here you can participate in weekly event. Owner of Power Plant have one week +10% Income boost";
    $cetwar[23][11]="Weekly event is in the process. <br><br>Event is helt for whole day. Final owner will have +10% Income boost. <br>Every take over costs 50 turns";
    $cetwar[23][12]="Power Plant Informations";
    $cetwar[23][15]="Event ends in";
    $cetwar[23][16]="Event on";

    // Recruiting
    $cetwar[24][3]="You have trained";
    $cetwar[24][5]="Training failed";
    $cetwar[24][6]="You don't have enough turns";
    $cetwar[24][7]="You can lookup for new recruits. More turns you use, more recruits you will get";
    $cetwar[24][9]="Basic recruiting is ment for beginners and doesn't bring so much recruits as Intermediate or Advanced recruiting.<br>You will use Basic recruiting until you reach level 10";
    $cetwar[24][11]="Intermediate recruiting is ment for experianced players.<br>You will use Intermediate recruiting until you reach level 20";
    $cetwar[24][12]="Advanced recruiting is ment for long-termed players, who needs more recruits for stronger and bigger army";

    // Email
    $cetwar[25][2]="Mail From";
    $cetwar[25][4]="This message does not exist";
    $cetwar[25][5]="This is list of the mail you're keeping. After some time, messages will be deleted";

    // Training population
    $cetwar[26][2]="Training granted";
    $cetwar[26][3]="You have successfully trained new personel";
    $cetwar[26][4]="Untraining granted";
    $cetwar[26][5]="You have successfully untrained your soldiers";
    $cetwar[26][6]="Training failed";
    $cetwar[26][7]="You don't have enough resources";
    $cetwar[26][8]="Untraining failed";
    $cetwar[26][9]="You don't have enough personel to untrain";
    $cetwar[26][10]="You can train your recruits and they will bring you some extra bonuses for each type of strenght. You can untrain for free";
    $cetwar[26][12]="Training program";
    $cetwar[26][15]="Train / Untrain";

    // Training mercenaries
    $cetwar[27][2]="Hiring successful";
    $cetwar[27][3]="You have hired new army personel";
    $cetwar[27][4]="Hiring failed";
    $cetwar[27][5]="You don't have enough money or there is no enough mercenaries on the market";
    $cetwar[27][6]="You can hire mercenaries and they will become part of your army";
    $cetwar[27][8]="Type of Mercenary";

    // Spy logs
    $cetwar[28][0]="SPY LOGS";
    $cetwar[28][2]="INCOMING SPY LOGS";
    $cetwar[28][6]="Your victims";
    $cetwar[28][7]="Enemy's victims";
    $cetwar[28][11]="OUTGOING SPY LOGS";
    $cetwar[28][14]="View Document";
    $cetwar[28][15]="No Document";

    // Header
    $cetwar[29][0]="Rocketbase Upgraded";
    $cetwar[29][1]="Congratulations, your Rocketbase has been upgraded";
    $cetwar[29][2]="Biochemical bomb Upgraded";
    $cetwar[29][3]="Congratulations, your Biochemical bomb has been upgraded";
    $cetwar[29][4]="Research Completed";
    $cetwar[29][5]="Congratulations, your Scientists researched Chemical";
    $cetwar[29][7]="There was an accident on the Rafinery and";
    $cetwar[29][8]="of your workers died";
    $cetwar[29][9]="There was an accident in the Laboratory and";
    $cetwar[29][10]="of your scientists died";
    $cetwar[29][11]="of your hackers has left your hacking center because they found better job";

    // Hack logs
    $cetwar[30][0]="HACK LOGS";
    $cetwar[30][2]="INCOMING HACK LOGS";
    $cetwar[30][5]="Attack on";
    $cetwar[30][6]="What happened";
    $cetwar[30][7]="Enemy busted";
    $cetwar[30][12]="Biochemical bomb";
    $cetwar[30][14]="OUTGOING HACK LOGS";
    $cetwar[30][17]="Some money has been stolen";
    $cetwar[30][18]="Biochemical bomb exploded in enemy's base";
    $cetwar[30][19]="Interrupter jaming time reduced";
    $cetwar[30][20]="Mission Failed";

    // Rocket base
    $cetwar[31][0]="ROCKET BASE";
    $cetwar[31][2]="CONSTRUCTION FAILED";
    $cetwar[31][3]="You are not in a position to manage this functions";
    $cetwar[31][4]="You don't have enough money";
    $cetwar[31][5]="Construction started";
    $cetwar[31][6]="Rocket base is now under construction";
    $cetwar[31][7]="You can build Rocketbase at level 3";
    $cetwar[31][15]="Under Construction";
    $cetwar[31][16]="Work Done";
    $cetwar[31][22]="Central Complex";

    $cetwar[32][3]="With Signature you can show your rank, level, population and alliance.";
    $cetwar[32][5]="SENDING A MAIL";
    $cetwar[32][6]="You are sending a mail to";
    $cetwar[32][8]="Back to profile";
    $cetwar[32][9]="Send mail";
    $cetwar[32][10]="Staff will never ask you for password or any other account informations.";
    $cetwar[32][12]="Message Send";
    $cetwar[32][13]="Message was succesfully send";
    $cetwar[32][14]="Please fill the form bellow";
    $cetwar[32][15]="You cannot mail yourself";

    // HACK
    $cetwar[33][5]="Biochemical Bomb";
    $cetwar[33][6]="No Bomb Found";
    $cetwar[33][8]="No Interrupter";
    $cetwar[33][10]="You don't have enough turns";
    $cetwar[33][11]="You have already hack into this system";
    $cetwar[33][12]="Your Hacking Level is not 12";
    $cetwar[33][13]="You cannot attack this player";
    $cetwar[33][15]="Please, choose the system you want to hack in";
    $cetwar[33][16]="If you choose";
    $cetwar[33][17]="you can hack into enemy's Bank and steal him max. 50% of his money";
    $cetwar[33][18]="you can launch enemy's bomb and it will explode in his base";
    $cetwar[33][19]="you can decrease enemy's Interrupter's jaming time";
    $cetwar[33][20]="Hacking will take you 100 turns.<br> You can hack in each system only once in 24 hours.";
    $cetwar[33][21]="You cannot hack this player";
    $cetwar[33][22]="You've hacked";
    $cetwar[33][23]="Result of hacking";
    $cetwar[33][24]="You've hacked into";
    $cetwar[33][25]="You've gained";
    $cetwar[33][27]="Time decreased";
    $cetwar[33][28]="Back to profile";

    // Chemical researching facility
    $cetwar[34][2]="Research Completed";
    $cetwar[34][3]="Congratulations your Scientists researched one Chemical";
    $cetwar[34][4]="Can't Research";
    $cetwar[34][5]="You don't have enough resources or Research is already in progress";
    $cetwar[34][7]="Research will end in";
    $cetwar[34][8]="By researching chemicals you can gain one chemical. For researching you will need at least 100 turns and 100,000$. Research will end after 7 days and when research ends you can start researching new chemical. Buying science tools will help your scientists to do their work faster and better, which means that your research will end sooner, but there is a risk for accidents in laboratory and death of your scientists.";

    // Chemical Market
    $cetwar[35][0]="CHEMICAL MARKET";
    $cetwar[35][2]="Sell Granted";
    $cetwar[35][3]="You have sold 1 chemical to the market";
    $cetwar[35][4]="Sell Failed";
    $cetwar[35][5]="You don't have enough chemicals or market is full";
    $cetwar[35][6]="Buy Granted";
    $cetwar[35][7]="You have bought 1 chemical from the market";
    $cetwar[35][8]="Buy Failed";
    $cetwar[35][9]="You don't have enough money or market is empty";
    $cetwar[35][11]="On market";
    $cetwar[35][12]="In stock";
    $cetwar[35][13]="Buy for";
    $cetwar[35][14]="Sell for";

    // Interrupter
    $cetwar[36][3]="You have activated your interrupter";
    $cetwar[36][4]="Activation failed";
    $cetwar[36][5]="You don't have enough money";
    $cetwar[36][7]="You have extended your interrupter for 24h";
    $cetwar[36][8]="Extention failed";
    $cetwar[36][9]="You don't have enough money";
    $cetwar[36][10]="Interrupter is a satelite, which protects you from Biochemical Bombs. You can activate it whenever you want. When you activate it noone can hits you. However, if your enemy hacks into your system, he can decrease your defense probability and hurts you with Biochemical Bomb. For activation you need 1,000,000$ and it lasts 24 hours.
    <br><br>You can extend lasting time for your interrupter by buying extention.";
    $cetwar[36][18]="Not Activated";

    // Make Alliance
    $cetwar[37][0]="MAKE ALLIANCE";
    $cetwar[37][2]="Error: Alliance Name";
    $cetwar[37][3]="Check your Alliance Name type box";
    $cetwar[37][4]="Invalid Characters";
    $cetwar[37][5]="Creating Failed";
    $cetwar[37][6]="This name already exist";
    $cetwar[37][7]="You need to be at least level 5 in order to create an Alliance";
    $cetwar[37][8]="You already have an Alliance";
    $cetwar[37][9]="You need to have 1,000 turns to create Alliance";
    $cetwar[37][10]="Error: Crest";
    $cetwar[37][11]="You must enter valid crest ID";
    $cetwar[37][12]="This crest is already in use";
    $cetwar[37][13]="Error: Password";
    $cetwar[37][14]="Invalid characters";
    $cetwar[37][15]="Alliance Created";
    $cetwar[37][16]="Congratulations you have created your Alliance";
    $cetwar[37][17]="You are banned and can't make new Alliance for 7 days";
    $cetwar[37][18]="Alliance name";
    $cetwar[37][19]="Alliance password";
    $cetwar[37][20]="Crest ID";
    $cetwar[37][21]="Crest Gallery";
    $cetwar[37][22]="Create Alliance";
    $cetwar[37][23]="To make an Alliance you need to be at least <strong>level 5</strong> and have <strong>1,000 Turns</strong>.<br><br>By making an Alliance you become Leader and have a control over your Alliance. In order to invite a player into your Alliance you need to provide him your Alliance Password.";

    // Top Alliances
    $cetwar[38][0]="TOP 10 ALLIANCES";

    // Spy
    $cetwar[39][3]="Enemy has been spied";
    $cetwar[39][5]="This mission will take you 10 turns";
    $cetwar[39][6]="Back to profile";
    $cetwar[39][8]="This player does not exist";
    $cetwar[39][9]="You can't spy this player";
    $cetwar[39][10]="ENEMY'S INFORMATIONS";
    $cetwar[39][12]="Poisoned Troops (enemy's)";
    $cetwar[39][13]="Captured (yours)";
    $cetwar[39][14]="Army power";
    $cetwar[39][15]="Offense power";
    $cetwar[39][16]="Defense power";
    $cetwar[39][17]="Spy power";
    $cetwar[39][18]="Hack power";
    $cetwar[39][19]="Income power";
    $cetwar[39][20]="Science power";
    $cetwar[39][22]="Offensive soldiers";
    $cetwar[39][23]="Defensive soldiers";
    $cetwar[39][28]="Biochemical Status";
    $cetwar[39][29]="Rocket base";
    $cetwar[39][30]="Biochemical Bomb";
    $cetwar[39][31]="Defensive rockets";
    $cetwar[39][35]="No Data";
    $cetwar[39][36]="You can spy this player only 5 times a day";
    $cetwar[39][37]="You need to have 10 turns to spy";
    $cetwar[39][38]="Back to logs";
    $cetwar[39][40]="This is not your Document";

    // Get Booster
    $cetwar[40][2]="BOOSTER POINTS";
    $cetwar[40][3]="You can use booster points to boost your abilities for";
    $cetwar[40][4]="Every boost ends in";
    $cetwar[40][5]="days from the moment of activation";

    // Major profile
    $cetwar[41][0]="MAJOR'S PROFILE";
    $cetwar[41][3]="You have successfully changed your personal message";
    $cetwar[41][4]="You have uploaded your new avatar and it's ready to use";
    $cetwar[41][6]="Can't upload this file";
    $cetwar[41][7]="Please upload only GIF images";
    $cetwar[41][8]="Withdraw Successful";
    $cetwar[41][9]="You have successfuly withdrawed turns";
    $cetwar[41][10]="Withdraw Failed";
    $cetwar[41][11]="You can't withdraw turns";
    $cetwar[41][12]="Change Avatar";
    $cetwar[41][16]="Boosts available";
    $cetwar[41][17]="Offensive Boost";
    $cetwar[41][18]="Defensive Boost";
    $cetwar[41][19]="Income Boost";
    $cetwar[41][20]="Spy Boost";
    $cetwar[41][21]="Hacking Boost";
    $cetwar[41][22]="Science Boost";
    $cetwar[41][24]="Change Personal Message";
    $cetwar[41][25]="Save Message";
    $cetwar[41][26]="Bank Informations";
    $cetwar[41][27]="Banked turns";

    // Registration
    $cetwar[42][2]="Registration Failed";
    $cetwar[42][3]="This IP is already registered";
    $cetwar[42][4]="Error: Username";
    $cetwar[42][5]="Check your username type box";
    $cetwar[42][6]="Error: Promo ID";
    $cetwar[42][7]="Invalid Promo ID";
    $cetwar[42][8]="Error: Nationality";
    $cetwar[42][9]="Invalid Nationality";
    $cetwar[42][10]="Error: Age";
    $cetwar[42][11]="Invalid Age";
    $cetwar[42][12]="Username already registered";
    $cetwar[42][13]="Error: Email";
    $cetwar[42][14]="Check your email type box";
    $cetwar[42][15]="Email aready in use";
    $cetwar[42][16]="Account created";
    $cetwar[42][17]="Account has been registered, you will recieve Password on your email";
    $cetwar[42][19]="You can use only";
    $cetwar[42][21]="Use valid email address";
    $cetwar[42][22]="Re-type email";
    $cetwar[42][24]="Country you leave in";
    $cetwar[42][32]="Choose bonus for your army";
    $cetwar[42][34]="Promo ID";
    $cetwar[42][35]="With Registration you agree with Terms and conditions";
    $cetwar[42][38]="You are already registered!";

    $cetwar[43][0]="ALLIANCE BOOST";
    $cetwar[43][2]="Upgrade fail";
    $cetwar[43][3]="You don't have enough turns";
    $cetwar[43][4]="Donating fail";
    $cetwar[43][5]="You don't have enough turns";
    $cetwar[43][6]="Upgrading successful";
    $cetwar[43][7]="You have successfully upgraded category";
    $cetwar[43][8]="Donating successful";
    $cetwar[43][9]="You have successfully donated turns";
    $cetwar[43][10]="Here you can donate turns to your alliance. Once turns are collected alliance leader can upgrade a category. All alliance members will benefit every level. Each level gives 1% of boost.";

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rep Power


    Chester, the majority of us here are professional translators and a task like this, which would take hours of time, is how we make our living. So unfortunately we can't encourage people to translate the text for free.

  5. #5
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Rep Power


    OK, anyway...tnx

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