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Thread: Escrow Officer

  1. #1
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Escrow Officer

    Es una pregunta para una amiga, la verdad, no sé ni lo que es...

    ¿Alguien me puede ayudar con la traducción al español?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Hola Exx,
    Me imajino que esto tiene que ver con la compra de una casa? (por lo menos en USA)
    Cuando uno hace un prestamo al banco para financiar la casa, le mandan un cobro mensual. En ese cobro viene lo que se va a pagar mensual, pero tambien vienen espacios por si quieres aportar mas. Hay una linea que dice "additional principal" que lo de pongas aca va directo a tu deuda. Y hay una linea que dice "additional escrow", que lo que pongas aca va hacia los taxes, el seguro, etc.
    Un escrow officer (I've never dealt with one) me imajino es una persona que te ayuda a planificar lo que vas a pagar de escrow de acuerdo a lo que el banco pagara.
    Espero esto te ayude, o que haiga otra persona que lo explique mejor o me corrija

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Muchas gracias, Dragona, tu explicación ha sido excelente, creo que voy a poner "agente/gestor administrativo"

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    Muchas gracias, Dragona, tu explicación ha sido excelente, creo que voy a poner "agente/gestor administrativo"
    Glad I could help!
    Pero ahora la confunida soy yo!
    A que/quien le vas a poner "agente/gestor administrativo"?

  5. #5
    Forum User Kane's Avatar
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    Espero no llegar demasiado tarde. Aquí tienes la definición de lo que es un escrow officer y de un escrow.

    An escrow officer - also known as a loan officer - is the person that walks you through the closing process. They are usually employed by the title company that you are working with. They are a neutral third-party, responsible for overseeing the escrow process. They typically perform the title searches, prepare final paperwork, witness the document signings as well as ensure that the transaction is executed properly and legally.

    An escrow is an independent "stakeholder" account and is the vehicle by which the interests of all parties to the transaction are protected. Your escrow is created shortly after you execute your contract to purchase your home. The escrow becomes the depository for all monies, instructions and documents pertaining to the purchase of your home. Some aspects of the purchase are not part of the escrow. For example, the buyer and the seller must decide which fixtures or personal property items are included in the purchase. Similarly, loan negotiations are between the buyer and the lender. Your real estate agent can guide you in these non-escrow matters.

    Puedes encontrar más información en: http://www.escrow.com/ escrow.com

  6. #6
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Gracias a todos.

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