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I'm trying to translate this insanely long paragraphy for a friend from english to spanish. But neither are my native language. So it's likely the spanish has plenty of errors due to both my lack of understanding the english, and my spanish. Please look over it and just make any corrections. I'd really appreciate it!!
Please heare me out. It's been an eternity. I've called every contact in my address book. I've spent a day with every friend in my life. I've drank until I couldn't see a future, nor a past. But I find myself right back here, with my finger over your number, trying so hard not to write these words. There's nobody else like you. I've looked, I've tried to replace you, and I've tried to forget you. I've tried to blame myself, blame you... I've tried to analyze every word between us, every action. I've tried to act non-chalant, and I've tried so hard to pretend I don't care. But I do, and I never did you wrong, never. My only error was how I treated you with my words. I spent so much time trying to push you away without realizing it, and now that I've got what I want, I'm suffering for my own fault. Are you really happy without me? I've waited so long ... thinking maybe you were, and if you are, I'm sorry for this ... but if your not, hear me calling out in this night, because I'm not either. I'm not. And I can't help but think that we missed out on each other ... you know, we could forget everything, and start like day one, I want to be more than just a friend but in a beautiful way, where before anything we can say, we ARE best friends. Please, give me a chance... "
Por favor escuchame. Ha sido un eternidad. He llamado cada contacto en mi agenda. He pasado un dia con cada amigo en mi vida. He tomado hasta hasta que no poder ver un futuro, ni un pasado. Pero me encuentro de nuevo aca, con mi dedo sobre tu numero, tratando de no escribir estas palabras. No hay nadie como tu. He buscado, he intentado reemplazarte y he intentado olvidarte. He intentado culparme, culparte... he intentado analizar cada palabra entre tu y yo, cada accion. He intentado ser indiferente y he tratado de actuar como que no me importa. Pero me importa y nunca te hice mal, nunca. Mi unica equivocacion fue como te traté con mis palabras. Pase tanto tiempo intentando poner distancia entre tu y yo, sin darme cuenta y ahora que tengo lo que quería, estoy sufriendo por mi propia culpa. De verdad eres feliz sin mi? He esperado tanto tiempo, pensando que tal vez lo eres, y si estas... lo siento por esto... pero si no, escuchame llamando por la noche, porque tambien no lo estoy. Y no puedo pero pensar que perdímos una oportunidad. Sabes, podemos olvidar todo, y comensar de nuevo. Quiero ser mas que tu amigo pero de una forma bonita. Donde antes que todo podemos decir que somos mejores amigos .... por favor, dame una oportunidad...