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Thread: Doctor en derecho

  1. #1
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    Default Doctor en derecho

    Please help me revise the following translation, especially the underlined parts.

    siendo Doctor en derecho, desde hace 18 años ejerce la diplomacia, desempeñándose como cónsul de República Dominicana en New Orleans, Luisiana y de igual manera le corresponden las jurisdicciones de Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas, Tennessee y últimamente se le asignó el estado de Texas.

    My humble attempt:
    having obtained a doctorate degree in law, he has been practicing Diplomacy for 18 years, acting as Consul General of Dominican Republic in New Orleans, Louisiana he is also in charge of the jurisdictions of Mississipi, Alabama, Kansas, Tennessee and he was lately assigned the jurisdiction of Texas as well.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    I'd make the following changes:

    My humble attempt:
    Having obtained a doctoral degree in law, he has worked as a diplomat for 18 years, acting as Consul-General of the Dominican Republic in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is also in charge of the jurisdictions of Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas, and Tennessee, and he was recently assigned jurisdiction of Texas as well.[/quote]

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    Hi !!! You could also use the term PhD in Law for "Doctor en derecho"

    Hope it helps

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  4. #4
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    What about

    "having obtained a PhD in Law..."

    and something I'm not quite sure because I have seen both ways,

    Consul to New Orleans
    Ambassador to

    I would like a native comment on this.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  5. #5
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    My friend Hebe...as usual we have posted at the same time...
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  6. #6
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    Quote Originally Posted by SandraT
    What about

    "having obtained a PhD in Law..."

    and something I'm not quite sure because I have seen both ways,

    Consul to New Orleans
    Ambassador to

    I would like a native comment on this.
    I like your proposal very much Sndy. and In case of doubt I guess we can always say "consular officer" or "consular representatuve"

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  7. #7
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    Oh my friend, I meant the use of to and in
    Spanish Consul to Bahamas
    Cuban Consul in Bahamas
    Cuban Ambassador to Egypt
    Venezuelan Ambassador in Egypt

    I am in doubt regarding the correct one cause I have seen both. You have any ideas regarding this?

    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    I think I would leave it as Consul of the Dominican Republic in New Orleans.

    Also, in the United States, PhD refers to a Doctor of Philosophy degree, which doesn't apply to the field of law. I'm not sure what the U.S. equivalent would be in this particular case, but there are a few possible law degrees in the U.S.
    The Juris Doctor (JD) is the degree required to practice law. The Master of Laws is the next highest degree, while the Doctor of Judicial Science is the highest, and requires a dissertation. Without more context, I think the safest option would be to leave it as "doctoral degree."

  9. #9
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctor en derecho

    Quote Originally Posted by matthewg
    I think I would leave it as Consul of the Dominican Republic in New Orleans.

    Also, in the United States, PhD refers to a Doctor of Philosophy degree, which doesn't apply to the field of law. I'm not sure what the U.S. equivalent would be in this particular case, but there are a few possible law degrees in the U.S.
    The Juris Doctor (JD) is the degree required to practice law. The Master of Laws is the next highest degree, while the Doctor of Judicial Science is the highest, and requires a dissertation. Without more context, I think the safest option would be to leave it as "doctoral degree."
    You are probably right in regard to USA Mathew, but other English speaking countries/universities such as the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand and the University of Cambridge in the UK do offer PhD in Law.

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

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