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Thread: help with my translation

  1. #1
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    Default help with my translation

    Building a multilingual website. Need help with my translation. Here's the english:

    Welcome to Oblivion Gate Bazaar. Most of the apparel we carry is designed for and about fencing. But we also have mouse pads, prints and cards. And very recently, we developed an international line of fencing apparel. These have been designed in six languages and you'll find all these items at fencingandmore.info . Just click the fencer button for 'fencing and more'.

    But don't forget about about our gothic apparel. These designs include images from some eighteenth century gravestones and have been edited for maximum detail. So take a look at 'the darkening'. The skull button will take you there.

    This is a special design that we've created specifically in support of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wear this design proudly as your own expression of support. We all know someone who is risking their life abroad.

    Here's the spanish:

    Recepción al bazar de la puerta del olvido. La mayor parte de la ropa que llevamos se diseña para y sobre cercar. Pero también tenemos cojines, impresiones y tarjetas de ratón. Y muy recientemente, desarrollamos una línea internacional de cercar la ropa. Éstos se han diseñado en seis idiomas y usted encontrará todos estos artículos en fencingandmore.info. Apenas chascar el botón del cercador para “cercar y más”.

    Pero no olvidar alrededor nuestra ropa gótica. Estos diseños incluyen imágenes de algunas lápidas mortuarias del siglo XVIII y se han corregido para el detalle máximo. Hechar una ojeada tan “el oscurecimiento”. El botón del cráneo le tomará allí.

    Éste es un diseño especial que hemos creado específicamente en apoyo de nuestras tropas en Iraq y Afganistán. Usar este diseño orgulloso como su propia muestra de apoyo. Todos sabemos a alguien que está arriesgando su vida al exterior.

    What do you think? Does this look o.k.? If anything needs to be changed please let me know.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
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    Default Re: help with my translation

    No, lamentablemente debo decirte que tu traduccion no es correcta. Es obvio que se hizo en gran parte con software de traduccion.
    La verdad que quisiera poder ayudarte a traducir pero no me alcanza el tiempo. Vivo de las traducciones.

  3. #3
    Senior Member MariaLaura's Avatar
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    Default Re: help with my translation

    Do you have any specific flavor for the spanish? The translation doesn't sound good. Was it done by a translation software?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: help with my translation

    Yes, this was done with translation software.

  5. #5
    Senior Member MariaLaura's Avatar
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    Default Re: help with my translation

    Softwares are usually not a good idea.. why don't you give it a try without using one and then we comment on it?
    Good Luck!

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