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Thread: Need Checked Spanish Orals

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Need Checked Spanish Orals

    Area B- Home life and daily routine
    1. Donde vives exactamente?
    1. Where exactly do you live?
    Vivo en Portadown, en barrio residencial.
    I live in Portadown in a residential neighbourhood.
    Portadown es bastante cerca del centro de Irlanda del Norte.
    Portadown is quite near the center of Northern Ireland.

    2. Como es tu casa?
    2. What is your house like?
    Vivo en una casa bastante antigua pero bonita y muy cómoda. Me gusta
    I live in an old house but quite nice and very comfortable. I like
    a lot.

    -Cuantas habitaciones tiene?
    -How many rooms does it have?
    Hay seis habitaciones cuatro dormitorios cocina, salon y cuatro de bano.
    My house has a garden, a garage, a lounge, a dining room and kitchen.

    -Describe el jardin.
    -Describe the garden.
    Tenemos un bonito jardin que es bastante pequena pero mas bonito.
    We have a garden which is quite small but prettier than before.

    3. Describe tu dormitorio.
    3. Describe your bedroom.
    Mi dormitorio tiene paredes blancas y azules. Tengo pósters de mis
    cantantes favoritos.
    My bedroom has white walls and blue. I got my posters
    favourite singers.

    Hay una mesa donde hago mis estudios, un ordenador y un
    equipo de música.
    There is a table where I do my studies, a computer and a

    Me encanta descansar en mi dormitorio escuchando
    música con mis amigos.
    I love listening to rest in my bedroom
    music with my friends.

    4. Que tomos normalmente para el desayuno?
    4. What do you do in the morning before leaving the house?
    Me despierto a las siete y me levanto enseguida. Después, me ducho y
    me pongo el uniforme.
    I wake up at seven o'clock I get up and away. After I shower and
    I wear the uniform.

    Después me cepillo los dientes y me peino. Salgo
    de mi casa a las ocho.
    Then I brush my teeth and hair. And leave
    my house at eight.

    5. Que tomas normalmente para el desayuno?
    5. What do you normally take for breakfast?
    Normalmente desayuno cereales con leche y
    tomo una taza de té.
    Normally breakfast cereal with milk and
    I take a cup of tea.

    6. Que tomas para el almuerzo?
    6. What do you take for lunch?
    En el almuerzo me siento en la cafetería
    me suele comer un bocadillo y veces comer ensalada.
    At lunch I sit in cafeteria I usually eat a sandwich and sometimes I eat a salad.
    Siempre bebo aqua mineral.
    I always drink mineral water.

    7. En general que te gusta comer y beber?
    7. In general, what do you like to eat and drink?
    Mi comida favorita es la pizza, que los gustos delicioso y es fácil de cocinar.
    My favourite food is pizza because it tastes delicious and is easy to make.
    Cuando esté caliente, beber limonada fría. Cuando hace frío, yo normalmente para beber café.
    When it is warm, I drink cold lemonade. When it is cold, I normally drink coffee.

    8. Que haces por la manana cuando dales de casa?
    8. What do you do in the morning when you leave the house?
    Generalmente entre semana voy a la escuela.
    Generally on week days I go to college.
    A menudo los sábados voy a un paseo en el campo.
    Often on Saturdays go for a walk in the country.

    9. Que hiciste esta manana cuando saliste de casa?
    9. What did you do this morning when you left the house?
    Fui a la escuela a pie. En la escuela yo charlamos a mis amigos.
    I went to school by foot. At school I chatted to my friends.
    Luego de revisar mis exámenes.
    Then revised for my exams.

    10. Que haces para ayudar en casa?
    10. What do you do to help at home?
    Tengo que pasar la aspiradora en mi dormitorio.
    I have to hoover in my bed room.
    Me gustar sacar cortar.
    I like to put the rubbish out.
    Lo que me gusta menos es pasar.
    What I like least is to hoover.

    11. Que haces normalmente para celebrar tu cumpleanos?
    11. What do you normally do to celebrate your birthday?
    Me relajo con mis amigas y pienso que es estupendo.
    I relax with my friends and I think that is fantastic.
    Por la tarde pasar lo bomba con mi familla, tenemos un partido.
    In the evening I enjoy myself with my family, we have a party.

    12. Que haces despues de la clases hoy?
    12. What do you do after school?
    Vuelvo a casa a las cuatro y tomo una merienda mientras veo la televisión.
    Back home at four and take a snack while reading the

    Después hago mis deberes, luego ceno a las seis más o
    After I do my homework, then dinner at six, more

    Normalmente salgo con mis amigos y me acuesto a las diez y
    Normally I go out with my friends and me to lie down at half ten.

    13. Que vas a hacer despues de la clases hoy?
    13. What are you going to do after school today?
    Lo de siempre.
    The same thing as usual.
    Vuelvo a casa a las cuatro y tomo una merienda mientras veo la televisión.
    Back home at four and take a snack while reading the

    Después hago mis deberes, luego ceno a las seis más o
    After I do my homework, then dinner at six, more

    Normalmente salgo con mis amigos y me acuesto a las diez y
    Normally I go out with my friends and me to lie down at half ten.

    14. Que hiciste el ano pasado para celebrar tu cumpleanos?
    14. What did you do last year to celebrate your birthday?
    El año pasado para mi cumpleaños me fui a la piscina con mis mejores amigos.
    Last year for my birthday I went to the pool with my best friends.
    Después de que tuvimos una fiesta y comer pastel, era delicioso.
    After that we had a party and eat some cake, it was delicious.

    15. Que hiciste la semana pasada para ayudar en casa?
    15. What did you do to help at home last week?
    El domingo pasado me lavan el coche y se lavan los platos.
    Last Sunday I washed the car and washed the dishes.
    También me hizo la cama. La semana pasada tuve que limpiar mi habitación porque era muy sucio pero no me gusta.
    I also made the bed. Last week I had to clean my room because was very dirty but I did not like it.

    16. Que vas a hacer esta noche?
    16. What did you do last night?
    Anoche navego por Internet.
    Last night I surfed the Internet.
    Después me fui a caballo. Me gusta porque es divertido.
    After I went horseriding I love it because it is fun.

    My teacher gave me these questions... and I had to make the answers up myself. Sorry im really bad at spanish! Hope to pass it this year though!! Does anybody have any tips for learning and remembering the answers?
    I think that's why I am not good at languages, I don't have a good memory.
    It's pretty ridiculous if you ask me, our teacher only gave us the questions a couple of weeks ago, there are over 100 of them and we have to have them written, translated and learnt for this Monday plus roleplays. This is the last batch of them. I guess I'm just feeling abit sorry for myself.
    Much apprechiate any help or improved answers.
    Wish me luck,
    Last edited by daydreamerxx; 01-15-2009 at 07:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Checked Spanish Orals

    Can you put everything in black? the colours hurt the eyes.

    No problem about double posting, this somethimes happens

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