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Thread: Trying to learn a little Spanish

  1. #1
    Ben is offline
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    Default Trying to learn a little Spanish

    I am trying to learn a little Spanish because I am talking to more and more people who speak only Spanish and I would like to communicate with them better. So I thought I would join here and see if you guys could help translate things until I can learn them better.

    Could someone please translate this for me?

    muchas gracias por felicitarme por el dia de mi cumpleaños, es el lunes 20 de nov. cumplo 31 años...asi que gracias por tu atencion, es muy amable de tu parte y muy bello que alguien como tu sea detallista, cuidate mucho y mucha suerte siempre en cada dia...xoxoxo...ciao

    Thanks very much!


  2. #2
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Hi Ben! Welcome to our community!

    This forum is about translation issues, and it was created as a space where translators could share their experiences, not to translate people's texts, because that is what we actually do for a living.

    If you are starting to take Spanish classes you are welcome to talk about the doubts or experiences you might have with the language, and as you learn I'm sure you will be able to translate it yourself.

  3. #3
    Ben is offline
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    Well... since I don't know how to translate it yet, I thought this was a "translation issue"... LOL.

    Okay... I suppose your site is not for me then.

    Thanks anyway.


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