Hi everyone... this is my first time on a Forum.... and my first time seeking help with translations! I just came back from Cuba... where I met a great Guy.... I know... helpless romantic I am! I got an email from Him today and the 2 lessons of Spanish that I have taken in the last 2 weeks just don't help me that much! I tried to use the online translators but there is alot of info that doesn't quite make it across! If anyone out there is gracious enough to help me out.... I would appreciate it so very much!
Hola mi amor espero que te sientas bien ya consegui la formqa de mandarte este email y quiero que me mandes uno en cuanto lo resibas a esta misam dirreccion te estraño y te quiero mucho ya quiero que pasen los dias bolando para estar a tu lado. Espero que tu hija este contenta por visitar cuba. Quiero conoserla.En cuanto me mendes un email te seguire escribiendo.