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Thread: A few phrases..

  1. #1
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    Default A few phrases..

    Hey guys i would be grateful if you could translate the following phrases for me.. Thanks in advance..

    "I hope everything is going well for you. Are you going to the festival too then? I cant wait for the summer and my next trip to Ibiza!
    Take care "

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: A few phrases..

    Quote Originally Posted by Rezi6
    Hey guys i would be grateful if you could translate the following phrases for me.. Thanks in advance..

    "I hope everything is going well for you. Are you going to the festival too then? I cant wait for the summer and my next trip to Ibiza!
    Take care "
    Hi Rezi6. Let's see if this translation can help you out.
    Best regards !!!

    Espero que estés bién. Entionces ¿tú también vas al festival? No puedo esperar a que llegue el verano y mi próximo viaje a Ibiza. Cuídate !!!

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: A few phrases..

    thank you so much Hebe!!

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